Thursday, May 31, 2012

A thought...

I love being a woman!  Seriously, I love being a woman.

Yesterday at the car wash I was having a hard time figuring out the self service machine.  Just as I was about to get frustrated, I caught the eye of an employee, a male employee.  He headed straight over and said, "Can I help you?" with a big smile on his face. He got the machine figured out and then politely thanked me and walked away.  After a few seconds, the crossing guard arm wasn't opening and he must have looked back to check because he came jogging back to see what was going on.  Again, he figured out the problem and away I went into the car wash.

Now, don't get me wrong there was nothing flirty about the situation nor was the man trying to "pick-up" on me or vise versa.  It was just one of those situations where I thought to myself, would he have come over if Daddy Goose was the driver?  Maybe.  Would he have been so friendly?  Maybe.  Would he have looked back to check on the issue if it wasn't me (or any other female)?  Maybe.  I hope the answer to those questions would be "Yes."  I hope the customer service at the car wash on Herndon and Blackstone is just that great, but something tells me that it may have something to do with my gender...which I am okay with, its just another perk of being a woman.

I know its a little silly and maybe even slightly old-fashion thinking, but as a woman I to:

  • Wear shiny jewelry,
  • Wear high heels,
  • Have my nails and toes painted,
  • Doors are opened for me,
  • Gas is pumped for me,
  • Even in my mid-30s, I can still call my father, "Daddy" and no one looks at me funny,
  • Be excited over the smallest things,
  • Have flowers sent to me,
  • Get quick and friendly service at the car wash.

These are just a few of the benefits!

As an HR consultant, I was always reminding managers, that gender did not matter. It has nothing to do with ability.  I whole heartily believe that statement.  My gender has nothing to do with my abilities.  It does sometimes, however, make my life a little easier and/or harder. Yesterday was one of those days that it made it easier.

What is one of the things you love about being a woman? OR What are some of the best things about being a man?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Momma Goose

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Practical Christianity: Gossip

Ephesians 4:29 reads:  "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

I will be the first to admit, I've gossiped.  I've talked about other people and I've asked questions to get information that frankly, was not my business.  Let's face it, women are infamous for gossip.  (However, I've met several men that loved a juicy story.) This is not something that I'm excited to admit.  I am excited to share that I have been working really hard towards changing that habit.

Recently, I was told about someone else gossiping about me.  (Really?  I didn't think there was much in my life to talk about.)  At first I was angry. Then I was really hurt. Both emotions made me want to lash out towards the gossiper. What good would that have done?  Now it just reinforces to me why I decided the change the habit.

What is gossip?  Ephesians has it right, "corrupting talk." defines corrupt as "to destroy the integrity of."  As Christians As people, we should work to build each other up, not destroy each other.  Our lives shouldn't be about how someone else gets his/her money or what "they've" been doing lately, what "their" kids are doing wrong, or who's marriage isn't working.  Why does it matter to you or me?  What matters is what is going on in YOUR OWN life.

Ephesians 4:29 helped me create a new rule of thumb:  Is the story I'm about to tell, MY STORY to tell?  If not, stop talking.  If yes, am I telling the story to build someone up or to give grace to those who hear?

The best part about not gossiping, I feel better about myself.  It was just one of those surprise, yet awesome, side effects.  I'm not worried that "people" will find out I was talking about them, I'm not comparing my life to any one else's and my conversations with my friends are positive and encouraging.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will probably mess this up.  I am only human, but I WILL NOT GIVE UP.  By reading Ephesians 4:29 and by surrounding myself with like minded people it is a possible task.  My goal is to be a little light in the world of positive talk.  Join me and we can be as bright as the sun!

Momma Goose

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Celebrations

My sweet Baby Goose (10 mos.) has learned how to clap! She usually misses the other hand and when she does make the connection there is no noise that results. But...there is THE BIGGEST smile on her face each and every time she claps. The cutest thing is, she claps for everything - she always has something to celebrate.
Which got me thinking, what muscles, thought processes and emotions go into clapping? As adults we often take the simple motion of clapping for granted. We don't even have to think twice about it, it just comes naturally. Give yourself a round of applause. Right now. See how easy that was? Now, ask your toddler to do the same and watch the concentration on their sweet face and the pure joy in achieving the task.
We've been celebrating everything around here lately with applause. From the egg yolks on her tray at breakfast to the toy that lights up when she pushes the button. All of us have joined in...Daddy Goose, Brother Goose and even big tough Uncle Goose.
They say you shouldn't sweat the small stuff. I've decided that not only am I NOT gonna sweat the small stuff, I'm going to celebrate all of our victories, especially the small ones. Without those small wins the big ones wouldn't feel as good. I challenge you to do the same. The next time your child eats all of their dinner, clap for them. The next time your spouse walks through the door after work, celebrate. I guarantee you and that someone will feel great.
Here is my first celebration: I got this post written before my appointment! (Applause!)
Momma Goose

Monday, May 28, 2012

Mellow Monday: Holiday Edition

Happy Memorial Monday!  I hope this day finds you in remembrance and with an attitude of gratitude for those who have fought and continue to serve for our country. I have a few servicemember friends and I know they would agree, there is no better way to remember and be thankful than to have a big party!

Tradition has also made this holiday the official kick-off to summer.  People all over the country are firing up their BBQs, popping the top on a cold beverage and relaxing by the pool.  I have a new idea for the day, instead of sweating by the BBQ, use that slow cooker and use the extra time with your loved ones!

Even though last week's Mellow Monday recipe was for a shredded chicken dish, when I came across this one I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post it.  Plus, who could resist a dish with BBQ sauce AND beer in the ingredient list!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Opportunity

On Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them.  Just five minutes.  Unscripted.  Unedited.  Real.  Check out mine below, and then see others at  Five Minute Friday.


A very wise man once told me, "Opportunities don't always come at convenient times."  Interesting statement, don't you think?  I was part of a small business at the time and we were working our booties off to make it a bigger and better business.  There were many late nights, early mornings and missed lunches because of those opportunities.  I must tell you, while I didn't enjoy every one of those opportunities, I am truly very thankful for them.  They gave me the chance to grow professionally and personally.  That same wise man told me that if things were easy they wouldn't be worth the effort.  At the time, I'm not sure I was 100% in agreement with him, but looking back I'll admit, he was (and still is) right.  I'd like to think I did those opportunities justice.

I have now been given the opportunity of a lifetime by Daddy Goose.  He has given me the best gift to be able to stay home and take care of our goslings. What a great opportunity, and what a hard job.  But a job that will be so worth it in the end.

What opportunities will I be able to provide for my goslings?  What opportunities have you provided or been provided that were worth the effort?

Momma Goose

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Favorite and Useful Websites

Before my goslings, I loved to shop.  For anything: clothes, shoes, groceries and even for other people. Now it is a different story. You know the deal - you gotta get your goslings ready, get their stuff ready, pack everyone up in the car and then its an oh so exciting adventure filled with laughter, tears and a few bribes.  I only like to torture my goslings with one grocery store trip a week.  Kids are not made to sit in carts through multiple stores.

We can't really go without the necessities like toilet paper, deoderant or toothpaste, (well you wouldn't want us to, trust me) so I was desperate to find some way to purchase those types of items without dragging my kids to another store in town.  In comes to save the day.  I learned about it through, the two are "sister" websites.  They have everything. Most the items are well priced if not less expensive than the stores here.  One of the greatest things about the website, is that it keeps track of the items you buy, so I can go online, click what I want and be done in 5 minutes.  It's just that easy.  Another cool feature, is if you buy more than $50.00 in goods you qualify for free shipping.  Who can't find $50.00 in stuff in a Target-like store?  With one package of diapers I'm there!

These days I'd rather shop online from comfort of my house while my sweet goslings are sound asleep or otherwise occupied. I wonder if the creator of the internet was a parent tired of dragging their kids around shopping.

Now, if I could only find a grocery store that would deliver all the way out here.  (Hint, hint, Save Mart!)

Momma Goose

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Healthy Living Habit: #1

We all strive to be the healthiest we can be and we know the rules to get there, but its always great to stop and see some reminders (and maybe get a little new inspiration) to stay healthy. Which is why, I'm so excited to start this series!   Over the next several weeks, I'd like to go through the 10 Habits of Healthy Families from adding my own little twist to each habit.  Between my research and thought to write each post, hopefully all of us will gain new inspiration to stay on track.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love to eat chips and candy, have lazy days on the couch and can hang with the best of them when it comes to Diet Coke. I am by no means the ultimate healthy living guide. I am just a Momma Goose doing my best to raise happy, healthy goslings!  I hope you enjoy this series.

Healthy Living Habit #1:  Make Healthy Living a Team Approach

Healthy living can sometimes be a battle.  There are advertisers, fast food chains and the couch throwing attack bombs into your plan.  Sometimes it can just be easier and faster to live an unhealthy lifestyle than to fight to stay on track.  Like in Iraq or Afghanistan, the war cannot be won by an individual soldier. (I know it's a little dramatic!)  It takes team effort to win!

You will be more successful if everyone in your household is a participating member of the team.  In our case, the age of our goslings means that the majority of responsibility for our team rests with me and Daddy Goose - our team's co-captains.  Do you have a captain of your team?

As a stay-at-home momma and co-captain of our team, I have plenty of opportunities to train my goslings into healthy living.  First, I'm trying to be a good role model by choosing the right foods and not giving in to my urge to eat a popsicle (or something similar) for breakfast.  Brother Goose and I love to walk through the produce aisles and pick out fruit and vegetables.  As a way of keeping him involved I let him pick fruit/veggies out, count them and bag them up.

Second, I am hoping to show good leadership to my gaggle/teammates through my exercise habits, by doing things such as a 1/2 marathon, taking them on walks or outings to the park.  My hope is that I am instilling in my goslings that exercise can be fun and that it's a great way to be together.

Eating habits and an active life are learned behaviors; they’re not always intuitive. What our goslings learn to eat and the physical activity levels they learn at home now, will stick with them well into adulthood. 

So, get your team rallied and cheer each other on.  Healthy living is a team effort!

Momma Goose

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Summertime

Kids are chomping at the bit and parents are holding their breath all because school is almost out!  This time of year always reminds me of that Alice Cooper song, "School's Out for Summer"...can't you just hear the lyrics?  As a student, I was always counting down the days until summer.  While I am still counting down the days with Brother Goose, I'm not so sure I'm as excited as I was as a student.  Brother Goose is still a new to the idea and hasn't really figured out what summer break is all about...and besides preschool is so much fun anyway why would he want to take a three month break!

However, I am thinking, what are we going to do with three months of no school or BSF?  I'm sure there will be plenty of days of doing nothing, but with a 4 year old, days of doing nothing are not always the best for behavior.  So, I'm beginning to plan out things for us to do.  Here's what I've got so far:

  • Camping
  • Train trip
  • Boating
  • Water park
  • Swim lessons
  • Movie Day
  • Sleepover with grandparents
  • Picnics in the park
  • Karate lessons (possibly)
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Crafts
  • Play dates with friends
  • Cooking and baking

Doesn't all that sound fun? Actually, I'm getting more and more excited about summer break just writing this post.

I trying not to jam too much in, 'cause part of what summer is about is resting and relaxing and plus who knows how much of that list we'll actually get to.  

Getting to spend the extra quality time with my goslings doing these activities will be the best part of summertime.  Don't you agree?  What are you planning to do with your little ones this summer?  I'd love to hear about your plans, too!

Momma Goose

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mellow Monday: Chicken Caesar Sandwiches

Yet another successful weekend!  A yard sale on Saturday morning and 1/2 Marathon completed on Sunday morning.  With such a crazy, yet successful weekend, a Mellow Monday is extremely needed.  Today, I'll be catching up on laundry, kitchen duties and a nap!  All this while enjoying the smell coming from my slow cooker.

This recipe caught my eye a couple of weeks ago from The Girl Who Ate Everything.  Since then, I've really been looking forward to making it.  The best part is, it can also be lunch for the next couple of days.

Chicken Caesar Sandwiches
  • 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts 
  • 1/2 to 1 cup of your favorite Caesar dressing (We are using Ken's Creamy Ceasar)
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley or 2 teaspoons of dried parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 2 cups shredded romaine lettuce
  • 12 slider buns or 4-6 regular sized hamburger buns (We're using Italian rolls)

Place chicken in a 3-4 quart slow cooker with 1-2 cups of water, cover and cook on low heat for 4-6 hours.  Remove chicken from cooker using a slotted spoon and drain the water from the slow cooker. Place chicken on a cutting board and pull chicken into shreds, discarding any fat.  Place chicken back in the cooker and pour dressing, Parmesan cheese, parsley, and pepper over the top. Stir until mixed evenly. Cover and cook on high heat for 30 minutes or until mixture is hot.  Spoon 1/4 cup mixture onto each slider bun if you are making sliders or more for regular sized buns. Top with extra shredded Parmesan cheese and lettuce to serve.

Enjoy your Mellow Monday!

Momma Goose

P.S.  I finished the California Classic 1/2 Marathon!  It was a great experience and the route was a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures from the event.

Just about half done

Only 1.1 miles left!

We got to run through the zoo.

Just as you finish up, down the 1st baseline, to homeplate!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I think I might be crazy...

After having Baby Goose, I needed something to get me motivated to exercise again. In my infinite wisdom I  signed myself up to do the California Classic Weekend 1/2 Marathon.  A couple of months ago this all sounded great, but as race day closes in on me, I'm thinking I might have been wrong.  Tomorrow, Sunday, May 20th is the big day.

From the looks of the website, it sounds like it is going to be a fun event.  We start at Chuckchansi Park in downtown Fresno, head to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo, to "run" with the animals and then go back to the baseball park where we will be running down the 3rd baseline to finish the race by stepping on home plate.  All along the route there are going to be bands playing to keep us pumped up and moving along.  As an added bonus there will be a beer garden.  Doesn't all of this make you want to run out and sign up?  It did for me!

Now, lets clear something up...I am by no means a runner!  I am at my very best a fast walker/very slow jogger.  So, while there might be a few thousand people running this event, I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THEM!  I like to slowly enjoy the sights, sounds and the fresh air.

I am, however, what I've termed a "charity jogger."  Our family loves to participate in walk-a-thons all in the name of celebrating life or fighting diseases.  In fact, we've done the Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure here in Fresno since its inception in 1999.  This 1/2 marathon is no exception.  I've teamed up with Medical Ministries International's M*A*S*H training team to train for the run. We've done group runs for the last 10 weeks, (starting at only three miles and finishing up with 12) while raising money to send medical supplies to less advantaged hospitals and clinics around the world.  Thank you to those who donated!

In truth, I am excited about the event.  Its been a long time since I did something like this and I feel like I'm up for the challenge.  I definitely think I'm crazy for signing up to do this, but it's that good kind of crazy.  Who knows, maybe I'll do the Two Cities Marathon in November.

If you're free on Sunday come out and find me on the route!

Momma Goose

Friday, May 18, 2012

Freezer Friendly Meal - Stuffed Bread

I have become a freezer cooker. It's great for those days when I'm exhausted, the gaggle is starving and we need food fast! Usually, I'll double a recipe so that there is some for now and some for later. There are many websites I use to get inspiration for my freezer recipes, but Make 5 Dinners in ONE Hour is one of my favorite stops. In fact, we recently tried this Stuffed Bread recipe and Daddy Goose and I liked it so much we ate it three nights in a row. Stuffed Bread is great to cut up into smaller bites and serve as an appetizer or eat as a meal. I'm even thinking about making it with eggs, bacon and cheese next time for a yummy breakfast treat.

Here is the recipe, but make sure you check out Make 5 Dinners in ONE Hour for other recipe ideas.

Stuffed Bread

Use an artisan or large rounded loaf.  Make cuts down to the bottom without cutting all the way through. They can be stuffed with your favorite sandwich ingredients, wrapped in plastic wrap and frozen for later.  Or bake at 400 degree oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and bread is crispy on the outside.

Here are some of Michelle's favorite fillings:
Roast Beef/Provolone
Cheddar Cheese
Cinnamon Sugar w/powdered sugar glaze

Happy freezer cooking!

Momma Goose

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Practical Christianity: Matthew 6:6

How many times a day do you pray?  Once?  Twice?  Fifty-two?  I'm sure I probably pray at least every couple of minutes about my goslings.  Whether its for patience or prayer of praise due to good behavior or because I'm praying for their health and restoration.  Other days I just pray that we are raising them to be people we will be proud of.   Most of my prayers are in the kitchen, the car or the living room, but almost always in front of my goslings.

Matthew 6:6 reads:
"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.  And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

When was the last time you went into your room and shut the door to pray?  The last time I was in my room with the door closed there was a little voice on the other side saying, "Momma?  What are you doing?  When are you coming out?"  Asking not just once, but probably two or three times.   Although if he wasn't at the door, my mind is racing about why its so quiet in the other room.  Oh, how quickly your mind wanders when distractions abound.

Don't get me wrong, there have been times when I've asked my goslings for a few minutes to pray.  Amazingly, each time I've asked they have both been very patient and allowed me the quiet time.  Now whether it was because they could see I was at the end of my rope or God intervened and gave them the strength to stay away, I don't know.  Either way, the end result of my prayer time was a better day for all involved.

Is Matthew 6:6 a great way to pray, YES!  Is Matthew 6:6 the only way to pray, NO!  I believe that God listens and rewards you for prayer whether it is in secret or in public.  Prayer is prayer no matter where, when, why or how it is. 

Momma Goose

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Fun Ways to Use Your Kids' Artwork

Every Tuesday and Thursday Brother Goose brings home a folder full of artwork from his preschool.  I enjoy each piece and while I don't generally have a problem scrapping paperwork - these masterpieces cannot be tossed!  About mid-October of his first year, I started wondering what I was going to do with the mountain of paper we were beginning to accumulate.  I've started a file folder with Brother Goose's name on it, so that I can store it neatly until we use it.

After some thought and research, here are some ideas:

(1)  Create a display of artwork on the inside of your cabinets.
Each time you open one up, you'll have a surprise smile waiting for you.

(2)  Cut them up and make greeting cards.
 Some of Brother Goose's artwork is a little, shall we say, abstract
and it makes great artwork for the front of his thank yous.
The Joy of My Life, and other things has a great way to make these!

(3)  For Daddy Goose's 30th birthday, Grammie Goose made him several
scrapbooks with artwork from kindergarten to high school.
I hope to do this for my kids as well.

(4) Parents Magazine has a great idea - turn it into a postage stamp!
Check out, they have other great digital ideas.

(5)  I love, love, love this idea from Slightly Cosmopolitan using chicken wire.

Plus...there is always the way our mommas did it...the refrigerator!  Brother Goose has a "Learning Board" (which I'll post more on later), I let him pick one piece of artwork to display each week. 

As the years go by, I'm sure the artwork brought home will slow down, so I'm cherishing each one now. These are just a few of the many ideas I found. How do you keep your children's artwork?  

Momma Goose

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mellow Monday: Crock Pot Shredded Beef

Do you ever get that post-holiday hangover?   It's that haze that hovers over you the day after a holiday.  It certainly isn't that you didn't enjoy the day or love how things turned out.  I think its a combination of exhaustion from traveling to ensure you see everyone and maybe a little relief that...phew, we made it through another holiday.  Maybe, the hangover is even just a little bit of the blues.  No one likes to go back to reality after a holiday. With your post-holiday hangover it is hard to make a big fuss over dinner, so I decided to post a super easy, toss-in and go crock pot recipe today.  I bet you probably have most of these ingredients in your kitchen already.

I heart, which is where I got this recipe. There are so many recipes it can make your head swirl.  You can get pictures, reviews and best of all nutritional facts on each recipe.  Plus, it is really easy to search for specifics and they have a ton of great meal/snack/dessert ideas.  If you're in a recipe rut, check it out.

Crock Pot Shredded Beef

  • 2 lbs chuck roast
  • 1 (1 ounce) package Italian salad dressing mix
  • 1/4 cup water

  • Trim chuck roast of any excessive fat.
  • Place chuck roast in crock pot.
  • Sprinkle dry Italian dressing over meat.
  • Add water.
  • Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours.
  • Use 2 forks to separate and shred meat.
  • Serve with mashed potatoes, veggies and crispy rolls.
  • Also makes great sandwiches, with or without barbecue sauce. Freezes very well

Post-holiday hangover, yet another great reason to have a Mellow Monday!  Have a great day today and enjoy your crock pot shredded beef.

Momma Goose

Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Identity

On Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them.  Just five minutes.  Unscripted.  Unedited.  Real.  Check out mine below, and then see others at  Five Minute Friday.

You work and work for that coveted degree.  You make sacrifices of money, health and time with loved ones to study and go to class.  The moment you walk over the stage to receive your diploma...its all over.  The blood sweat and tears for that very moment.  And for me, it was a 11 year journey to the finish line.  (Let's face it, I've always been an endurance kinda race gal - speed is not my thing.)

But then what?  Your whole life from the age of 3 or 4 has been a student.  People ask you, what do you do?  "I go to school." has always been the standard answer.  I got my degree in Human Resources and immediately started working as an HR consultant.  So, that was my "then what."

And now, after all those sleepless nights of studying, my 6+ years as an HR Consultant, I am a mom.  Just that. I have the two most amazing children and the greatest husband ever.  I look back now and think, wow...would I have worked so hard to get that degree if I had known that I would be staying home now?  Does my degree make me a better mom? (Sometimes, employees ARE like children.)

I am a stay-at-home mom - the best job in the world, the identity I wanted to have, the way I feel the best.

Momma Goose

Thursday, May 10, 2012


There are so many things I love about where Brother Goose goes to preschool, Kerman Christian School.  They have great teachers, great administration and they encourage creativity through artwork.  Over the past year, I've collected a lot of drawings, paintings and other fun crafts that Brother Goose has brought home.  Someday I'll create a scrapbook for he and I to remember these days.   (Next week I'll write a post on other ideas for kids artwork.)  Today, he came home with this super fun and cute Mother's Day gift poem.  If you have little kids and are still on the look out for a gift for a mom or grandma, here 'ya go!

On a piece of colored paper, write or type this poem:

Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls

But every day I'm growing - 
I'll be grown some day
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away.

So here's a little handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small.

Take your child's hand and stamp a handprint at the bottom of your paper or anywhere you'd like. The one Brother Goose did has handprint clip-art all around it.  Here's a link for baby/kid safe ink.

Handprint poem Brother Goose made. 

Hopefully, you've already gotten your gifts made or purchased, wrapped and ready for delivery.  Or better yet, maybe you have a sister who did all the work for you!!

Thank you, Kerman Christian Preschool for the sweet poem and idea!

Happy Mother's Day!

Momma Goose

Cleaning Routine

Many months ago, Brother Goose had a very "Big" day ahead of him, so as I was tucking him in the night before I told him about his "Big" day.  At this point, I have no idea what that "Big" day was, but every night from then on we have to talk about his "Big" day.  I enjoy the time we spend together cuddling in his bed and I love talking about his "Big" day because it forces me to think about and plan what we are doing the next day.  That's our routine.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned about kids is that they crave a schedule and a routine.  They behave better when they know what to expect, they feel more confident and secure. One of the greatest lessons I've learned as an adult is that I crave a schedule and routine.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Exercise Fun

While I've never been a huge fan of exercising, I know the benefits.  It keeps your heart pumping, you burn calories, your endorphins will get'ya feeling good after and yada, yada, yada.  I get it - you gotta do it.  Let's face it, there are very few activities in life that make you feel good (afterwards, of course) AND are good for you.

One of my favorite ways to exercise has always been walking/jogging.  A lot of times it just nice to get out and breath in the fresh air, see the sights along the route and spend some time alone.  There's just something  about grabbing your headphones and running out the door - leaving your worries on the porch.  These days, we don't leave anything on the porch.  Let's count the things I brought with me on my walk yesterday.

  1. Kids;
  2. Stroller - the Sit-n-Stand "Cadillac" length;
  3. Diapers;
  4. Wipes;
  5. Doritos; 
  6. Gold Fish;
  7. Cheerios;
  8. Mini-Rice Crispies Treat
  9. 2 sippy cups with water;
  10. Water bottle for Momma;
  11. 3 pairs of sunglasses;
  12. Lovey - plus a collection of toys hanging from the stroller;
  13. Blanket, to protect Baby Goose from the sun;
  14. Pacifier;
  15. Cell phone;
  16. Keys; and
  17. And I can't forget two of my favorite ladies - Cousin Goose and her mini-me. (And all of their gear)
Phew!  It's no wonder I got a good workout.  I'm sure Brother Goose could have thought of a couple more things for us to bring, but I stopped him at his fourth snack.  Now, mind you, only one of those snacks were eaten...the Rice Crispies Treat, of course.

Between the snacks, the water breaks, the getting in and out of the stroller, Brother Goose falling down, then consoling him, correcting behavior, hand feeding Baby Goose and our chit chat we managed to cover 2.5 miles in just over an hour.  While some might say it was pathetic...I say, NO! We did a great!  Not only did we add years to our lives, we enriched the lives of our goslings by taking them outdoors, we gave them the opportunity to foster their cousin relationship, and we got to spend quality time together.  It was Exercise Fun!

Guess what...we're doing it again tomorrow!!

What is your favorite exercise?  Do you exercise with your kids?  If so, what is your favorite exercise to do with them?

Momma Goose

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mellow Monday ~ May 7, 2012

How did your first Mellow Monday go?  Ours was very, very mellow because we enjoyed chicken tacos a day early, so I didn't cook at all - we had LEFTOVERS!  Which worked out perfectly, because both of my goslings have been very sick with allergies, ear infections and asthma,  Cooking is the last thing I needed to be doing.  After a spending many days at NW Medical this past week - we are looking forward to the start of a new week because of new asthma/allergy meds that (fingers crossed) so far seem to be working!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Giggle From Our Gaggle

I know it's corny...but why not start the weekend with a little giggle.

Two geese in a farmyard.  One says to the other, "What do you do when you feel lonely?"
The other one says...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Practical Christianity

During the past year, I've been involved in a study with Bible Study Fellowship. I'll admit, I went kicking and screaming because "I did not have time for this in my schedule," "I did not want another day in town,"  "I'm a stay-at-home mom, not a go galavanting around, mom." has been the best thing I've ever done! (Thank you Mom-in-Law Goose!)  Not only have I been able to reconnect with my spirituality, but I am learning so much about the Bible, and getting a clue as to what I call, "Practical Christianity."

Practical Christianity is when you can take what the Bible teaches you and practice it in your life.  Maybe to stop you from doing something, maybe to get you to do something or maybe even to give you the much needed peace you need in your life.  One thing I love about the Bible is, you always get what you need.  Verses seem to pop out at you when you most need them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: I'm not tired, Momma!

Brother Goose (4) has decided that taking a nap everyday just isn't for him anymore. He's at the stage in life where there are too many cool things he might miss out on if he sleeps and well, "I'm not tired, Momma" he says.  Ugh, this Momma Goose begs to differ.  Between the whining, the tears and the yawns, you're definitely tired....and frankly, so am I!

We pretty much always do "Quiet Time" and some days he forgets how uncool it is to take a nap and will fall asleep.  However, on those days he has a really hard time winding down at night and will lay in bed chatting with his stuffed animals until 10:00 p.m.

As stay at home mommas we love those blissful 1-2 hours during the day where we can clean house, pay bills or maybe even go to the bathroom without little eyes staring back at you.  But, what do you do when the days of napping end?  I've had friends tell me that maybe I should move his nap time up or wake him after only 30-45 minutes. We've tried, neither of those things work.  He's not really tired until around 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. and once he is asleep, waking him up does more harm to his attitude than if I just let him skip the nap altogether.

I know, I know, I'm lucky that Brother Goose has kept up his napping this long.  Plus we are still getting 1-3 naps in per week.  It might just be time to throw in the towel and give in. My philosophy now is: If he gets a nap, great!  If he doesn't get a nap, he'll be in bed at 7:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m.  Even without a nap, he's generally sleeps 10-12 hours in each 24 hour period, which is the recommendation for his age group.
Life with children is about rolling with the punches and adapting to change.  This is just one of those changes in life!  Albeit, one I have dreaded.  By the way, when does napping become cool again? I can't remember, but Daddy Goose and I love to take naps!

When did your child(ren) give up napping? 

Momma Goose