Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Opportunity

On Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them.  Just five minutes.  Unscripted.  Unedited.  Real.  Check out mine below, and then see others at  Five Minute Friday.


A very wise man once told me, "Opportunities don't always come at convenient times."  Interesting statement, don't you think?  I was part of a small business at the time and we were working our booties off to make it a bigger and better business.  There were many late nights, early mornings and missed lunches because of those opportunities.  I must tell you, while I didn't enjoy every one of those opportunities, I am truly very thankful for them.  They gave me the chance to grow professionally and personally.  That same wise man told me that if things were easy they wouldn't be worth the effort.  At the time, I'm not sure I was 100% in agreement with him, but looking back I'll admit, he was (and still is) right.  I'd like to think I did those opportunities justice.

I have now been given the opportunity of a lifetime by Daddy Goose.  He has given me the best gift to be able to stay home and take care of our goslings. What a great opportunity, and what a hard job.  But a job that will be so worth it in the end.

What opportunities will I be able to provide for my goslings?  What opportunities have you provided or been provided that were worth the effort?

Momma Goose

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~ Momma Goose