Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Identity

On Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them.  Just five minutes.  Unscripted.  Unedited.  Real.  Check out mine below, and then see others at  Five Minute Friday.

You work and work for that coveted degree.  You make sacrifices of money, health and time with loved ones to study and go to class.  The moment you walk over the stage to receive your diploma...its all over.  The blood sweat and tears for that very moment.  And for me, it was a 11 year journey to the finish line.  (Let's face it, I've always been an endurance kinda race gal - speed is not my thing.)

But then what?  Your whole life from the age of 3 or 4 has been a student.  People ask you, what do you do?  "I go to school." has always been the standard answer.  I got my degree in Human Resources and immediately started working as an HR consultant.  So, that was my "then what."

And now, after all those sleepless nights of studying, my 6+ years as an HR Consultant, I am a mom.  Just that. I have the two most amazing children and the greatest husband ever.  I look back now and think, wow...would I have worked so hard to get that degree if I had known that I would be staying home now?  Does my degree make me a better mom? (Sometimes, employees ARE like children.)

I am a stay-at-home mom - the best job in the world, the identity I wanted to have, the way I feel the best.

Momma Goose

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~ Momma Goose