Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Fun Ways to Use Your Kids' Artwork

Every Tuesday and Thursday Brother Goose brings home a folder full of artwork from his preschool.  I enjoy each piece and while I don't generally have a problem scrapping paperwork - these masterpieces cannot be tossed!  About mid-October of his first year, I started wondering what I was going to do with the mountain of paper we were beginning to accumulate.  I've started a file folder with Brother Goose's name on it, so that I can store it neatly until we use it.

After some thought and research, here are some ideas:

(1)  Create a display of artwork on the inside of your cabinets.
Each time you open one up, you'll have a surprise smile waiting for you.

(2)  Cut them up and make greeting cards.
 Some of Brother Goose's artwork is a little, shall we say, abstract
and it makes great artwork for the front of his thank yous.
The Joy of My Life, and other things has a great way to make these!

(3)  For Daddy Goose's 30th birthday, Grammie Goose made him several
scrapbooks with artwork from kindergarten to high school.
I hope to do this for my kids as well.

(4) Parents Magazine has a great idea - turn it into a postage stamp!
Check out Zazzle.com, they have other great digital ideas.

(5)  I love, love, love this idea from Slightly Cosmopolitan using chicken wire.

Plus...there is always the way our mommas did it...the refrigerator!  Brother Goose has a "Learning Board" (which I'll post more on later), I let him pick one piece of artwork to display each week. 

As the years go by, I'm sure the artwork brought home will slow down, so I'm cherishing each one now. These are just a few of the many ideas I found. How do you keep your children's artwork?  

Momma Goose

1 comment:

  1. Hi Momma Goose! I scan about 8 pieces of the kids school work for my digital scrapbook. It's a nice way to save and look back at some of their best stuff. bs


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~ Momma Goose