Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cleaning Routine

Many months ago, Brother Goose had a very "Big" day ahead of him, so as I was tucking him in the night before I told him about his "Big" day.  At this point, I have no idea what that "Big" day was, but every night from then on we have to talk about his "Big" day.  I enjoy the time we spend together cuddling in his bed and I love talking about his "Big" day because it forces me to think about and plan what we are doing the next day.  That's our routine.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned about kids is that they crave a schedule and a routine.  They behave better when they know what to expect, they feel more confident and secure. One of the greatest lessons I've learned as an adult is that I crave a schedule and routine.

I thrive when I know what I need to do and how long I have to do it.  I am a list maker, calendar haver, menu planning kinda gal. I'll admit that sometimes I write things down, just to cross them off my list.  Crossing something off gives me such a great sense of accomplishment. I double-dog dare you to try it and not feel even just a little bit better about yourself and your list!

Now, don't get me wrong, I am also great at go with the flow.  I can sit around with the best of them...but things don't get done around my house when I don't have a schedule or routine set in place.

So, when I found Clean Mama, I was in heaven!  She is amazing!  There are schedules galore, both for free and purchase.  My new favorite is her monthly free cleaning printable. (You can find it here.)  She lists 4 must do's every day and then provides an additional cleaning project.  By the end of the week, you're house will be spic and span and your bills will be paid.  The best part about it is, you can check things off as you go.

Even though we're almost two weeks into May, I am hanging this printable up on my refrigerator and sticking to it for the rest of the month.  You should too!  Let's check back at the end of May and see - do you have a clean routine?

Momma Goose

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~ Momma Goose