Tuesday, October 30, 2012

31 Days - Day 28

I am so excited about honoring my new friend, Melody, today.  I recently met her through my research into breast cancer blogs.  I know her story will touch your heart, as it has mine.  Follow her story of survival and life at My FIGHT Against breast cancer.

Let's take a moment to recognize her, her FIGHT, her family and her survival!!!

What a beautiful family!  My FIGHT Against breast cancer

  • When were you diagnosed?  I was diagnosed June 12th, 2008.
  • What is/was your exact diagnosis? Invasive Poorly Differentiated Ductal Carcinoma Grade 3 Stage 2B
  • What was your initial reaction? I was shocked.  Even with a strong family history and knowing that I was at high-risk, nothing could have prepared me to hear the words "You have breast cancer."  After the shock wore off, I was heartbroken.  At 28 years old I was supposed to be having babies and be in the prime of my life.  Instead, I was facing an uncertain future.
  • Who did you tell first?  My husband knew that I was waiting on the Dr. to call me.  He was outside working and I walked outside and as soon as I saw him I just burst into tears.  He immediately knew the news I had received.
  • What was your treatment plan? The first thing I did was have a bilateral mastectomy, even though the cancer was only in the right breast.  Shortly after the surgery I began chemotherapy.  My treatment plan was referred to as Dose Dense.  This means that I had 4 weeks of Adriamyacin and Cytoxin every two weeks followed by another 4 weeks of Taxol that was also administered every two weeks.  
  • What or who was your best support?  This is a tough question to answer.  My husband was an incredible source of strength for me and our daughter.  My parents were also amazing....especially my mom having had breast cancer herself almost 20 years earlier.  Knowing that she was a survivor was an incredible source of inspiration for me.
  • What was the worst part of it?  The worst part for me was the worry that it was going to spread or come back....especially the first few years following treatment.  I still have days where I worry, but I try to focus on the fact that I am healthy and not allow the negative thoughts to creep in.
  • Are there any services in your area or nationally that someone else going through the same thing should know about? In my area there is an organization called The Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks.  They provide financial assistance to women and families in the midst of breast cancer.  They were able to help my family with our mortgage payment, utilities, and car payment for several months.   
  • What is the best advice you got?  The best advice I was given was that it is ok to be mad, scared, and to even feel helpless at times.  However, what's not ok is to allow yourself to stay there.  For me, life didn't stop.  I still had a husband that needed his wife and a daughter that needed her mother.  
  • Did you lose your hair?  If so, did you have a wig and one that was your favorite?  Yes.  I lost my hair shortly after my second treatment.  I actually had my husband shave my head.  I wasn't going to allow cancer to take anything more from me...including my hair.  I was going to be in charge of that.  I did finally start wearing a wig about 2 months after I lost my hair.  I was hesitant because I felt like it looked so fake.  However, what I found is that it actually made me feel normal....and I can't tell you how many times I had people ask me where I got my hair cut!!
  • You were going through a lot, did you treat yourself to one thing more frequently that you wouldn't have normally done.  Or a gift at the end of your treatment plan.  Like, eat as much pizza (when you felt like eating) or get a pedicure once a week or go on vacation?   After I had completed my treatment and my surgery my husband took a trip to Las Vegas...just us.  It was great to get-away and begin to finally move on with life. 
  • In a few words, how would you describe your breast cancer experience?  My breast cancer experience has brought many blessings to my life.  I am able to bring hope to countless women who feel helpless just as I did.  They are able to see someone who ran the race and finished strong.  My experience has also taught me the value of life.  Life truly is a gift and no of us are promised another day.  In an instance our entire lives can change. 
We should all take a life lesson from Melody.  Even the bleakest of circumstances can bear blessings.  Melody is taking her experience and helping others.  You can help her, too.  Go to her blog page, encourage her, encourage others to go to her blog to receive support, love and friendship.

You'll be glad you did!  

Always ~ Momma Goose

31 Days - Day 27

Frozen french toast sticks are a staple in our house.  The goslings L-O-V-E them, Daddy Goose and I will eat them and they are quick, easy and no fuss.  Every once in a while I'll make a fresh batch on the weekend and save enough for us to eat on the run during the week.  It's also a perfect time of year for these types of warm breakfast foods, to get you heated up before you head out the door.

Who knew, I was helping all of us fight cancer while eating one of our favorite breakfasts.  Here is a yummy and "fancy" recipe from the National Foundation for Cancer Research for french toast.

Fancy French Toast

  • 6 serving slices sourdough bread
  • 1/3 c. plain low-fat yogurt
  • 1/3 c. nonfat milk
  • 1 egg white, slightly beaten
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 c. frozen unsweetened orange juice concentrate

Mix all ingredients together well. Soak bread in liquid. Lay out on cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake 10 minutes on each side. Serves 6.

Enjoy your fancy french toast!

Always ~ Momma Goose

31 Days - Day 26

Great news out of the NFL! (Other than the Broncos beating the Saints. :)  

Mike Florio, a sports writer for NBC recently posted a story that shows just how much the NFL's Crucial Catch campaign is working.

He highlights a woman, who after asking her husband why the football team they were watching was wearing pink, she did her first self-breast examination.  This 34-year old, mother of 3 was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks later!  You can read the full story here.

The NFL literally saved her life! (A little dramatic, I know. Yet true.)  While there has been a lot of negative publicity about the NFL and its awareness campaign, I'm sure that this woman is not the only one watching a football game and was reminded about cancer and how important it is to make that "crucial catch."

The last pink game was on Sunday.  Are you going to miss all of the special pink decor?  I will.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days - Day 25

A couple years ago, a boss (and friend) told me, "How do you eat an elephant?  Why, one bite at a time."  Of course, we weren't sitting front of an actual elephant, but a very big project.

The past week has been tough for my gaggle.  As I wrote last week, we lost a friend and then Daddy Goose, Brother Goose and Lil' Miss Goose got sick.  Yesterday, was a soccer game, baking cookies for Brother Goose's school auction and memorial service.  I too started feeling the bug and by last night I had a full-blown cold.  With our emotional/mental state and our bodies not cooperating, it has been hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, floors and other chores.

As I looked around today, I became overwhelmed.  Feeling the way I physically feel today, how am I going to get my house in order for the week ahead?  So, I decided the best course of action was to watch football and baseball all day and let the chores wait until I felt better.  Then Brother Goose dropped the bomb, "Momma, I just want clean sheets to sleep on."  (He had had an accident last night, so for quiet time he was going to be sleeping on the mattress with a blanket underneath and one one top of him.)  He had no idea his statement would take such an affect on me, frankly neither did I, but just after he said it, my eyes welled up with tears and I lost it.

What kind of a Momma am I?  Here, I am allowing my 4 year old to sleep on just a blanket!  It was time to "man" up and get to it...one bite at a time.  Laundry was my first bite.  Dishes were next...and before I knew it, I wasn't so overwhelmed any more and my house was looking much better!

I only have a cold.  There are men and women battling breast cancer, undergoing chemotherapy/radiation that get up everyday and provide clean sheets for their children to sleep on.

That's how cancer patients get things done...one bite at a time.  One day at a time.  One hour at a time.  Someday's its one minute at a time.

The next time you find yourself (or know a cancer patient) with the overwhelming task of cleaning your house, raising your children, or battling for your life remember the even the mighty elephant in the room can be eaten one bite at a time.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 Days - Day 24

Now here's a breast cancer fundraiser I can really support - Pink wine for Breast Cancer!


Sutter Homes is celebrating its 11th year of the program Sutter Home for Hope.  During it's history, the company has raised over $800,000 for research, treatment and help to women diagnosed with cancer.

Here's how you can help Sutter Home.  Purchase a bottle of wine, send in the top quality seal from any capsule or a receipt from ANY bottle of Sutter Home wine.  The company will donate $1.00 for each label received until December 31, 2012.  The address you send it to is here.

Make sure you drink responsibly...but make sure you send in a lot of capsules/receipts!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Thursday, October 25, 2012

31 Days - Day 23

Brother Goose asked us tonight, "what is the World Series?"  His question came because for the past several nights, we've had baseball games on the TV.  A rare occurrence in our house (both the TV being on and baseball).  My family has always been San Francisco Giants fans, while I'm not the biggest TV baseball fan, I like to stay informed on the "big" games.

I have been telling you about the NFL and how they've taken breast cancer awareness seriously this month, but they are not the only professional team Standing Up to Cancer (SU2C)!  Major League Baseball  has dedicated game one of the World Series to advancing the fight against the disease.  In fact, MLB will be dedicating the first four games of the series to raising awareness of different causes.

A highlight of the dedicated game included:

During the game, players and fans held up signs with names of people who have been affected by the disease.

What a powerful moment to see all of the signs.  To know there were thousands of stories behind each sign.  To know that there were thousands of loved ones behind each sign.  To know that there were many loved ones lost who's name were on signs.

Major League Baseball was a founding member of SU2C and since its inception in 2008, the league has donated $30 million dollars!  Can I get a woo-hoo!?!

Never heard of Stand Up 2 Cancer?  It's a charitable organization that was started in the entertainment industry.  Their slogan is: 
"This is where the end of cancer begins: when we unite in one unstoppable movement and Stand Up To Cancer."
Check out there website too see all of the great things, SU2C has got going on and how you might be able to help the cause.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Oh, and GOOOO SF Giants! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

31 Days - Day 22

Are you one of those people that bounds out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to go for a morning jog?  Or, do you enjoy a quick 50 mile bike ride every evening?  (They do exist, I've met them.)  These people have the urge, the need, the get up and go to exercise, while most people find it to be a chore, a hassle or something their doctor told them they HAD to do.  Well, I've got a couple more reasons for you to find your urge, need and get up and go.

Exercise LOWERS your breast cancer risk!

Breast cancer can be provoked by an overexposure to estrogen.  Exercising just a few hours a week (3-5 hours, which is only about 1/2 hour a day) can help reduce the amount of the hormone you have in your body.  (No, you won't run out of estrogen and jogging won't turn you into a man...you can't use that as an excuse not to exercise.)

Okay, here is another reason to exercise:

If you are sedentary, you INCREASE your chances
of post-menopausal breast cancer, endometrial cancer,
kidney cancer, and cancer of the esophagus.

One more reason:

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology reported that exercise reduced mortality from all causes in breast cancer survivors by 50%, when combined with a healthy diet.

Did you see that???  50%!!

Anyone up for a quick walk around the block? :)

Always ~ Momma Goose

Remember...I am not a scientist or a doctor and these are just my comments based on what I've read online.  Please do your research, talk to your doctor and make sure you're doing what's right for you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

31 Days - Day 21

Support in the blogging community is abundant.  Bloggers love blogs.  Part of why I began writing Momma Goose & Gaggle is because I was following so many others that I wanted to join in the fun.  Today, I thought it might be interesting to see what others are writing about breast cancer and support them through their journey.

Can you believe there is even a society dedicated to breast cancer blogs?  What a great support to these women and men fighting the disease who are opening themselves to the world via the internet.

Here are my top two favorites:

Fight Like a Girl:  Diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 28, Anne journals about her fight.  Check out her cute new hair do.

Battling Breast Cancer with Class:  Just looking at this woman, you know she's got spunk, humor and class.

Please support these women, visit their blogs and give them a word of encouragement!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 22.

Monday, October 22, 2012

31 Days - Day 20

One of the things I love about this time of year is pumpkin spice lattes, creamer, well just about anything pumpkin spice.  (Funny thing is, I'm not the biggest fan of pumpkin pie. Crazy, huh?!)

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about certain foods containing cancer fighting properties.  I learned today that pumpkins are a cancer risk-reducing food because the gourd is loaded with beta-carotene.  As soon as I found that out, I went on a hunt to find a great recipe for all of us to enjoy.  Look what I found!  Ice cream! There is no way you can go wrong making this recipe.

Pumpkin Ice Cream


1 (15 ounce) can solid-pack pumpkin
1 cup cream
2/3 cup half-and-half
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves


Whisk together ingredients until smooth.  Place mixture into an electric ice cream maker and operate machine according to manufacturer's instructions.  When mixture is thick, place ice cream into a freezer container to firm up as desired (it should be like soft-serve out of the machine).  Freeze time is cook time (average machine timing).

Read more about this recipe, here.

Do you like pumpkin spice recipes?  If you have one that is a must try, send it to me!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Sunday, October 21, 2012

31 Days - Day 19

Do you want to donate to cancer research and not spend ANY money?  The correct answer to this question is, YES!  Check out how below...

Larry Fitzgerald from the Arizona Cardinals lost his mother in 2003 to breast cancer.  Her death has made his passion for breast cancer awareness run deep.  He's now letting it run deep into his pocket book.  He will donate 25 cents for every new Facebook "Like" and Twitter follower he gets during the month of October!

Again, just in case you thought you misread that -  All YOU have to do is "like" or "follow" Larry Fitzgerald and he will give 25 cents to a breast cancer awareness fund!

PLUS (Oh, yes there's more!!) he will donate $5,000 per touchdown and $1,000 per reception.  As of today, he's caught the ball 14 times this month. That's already $14,000 going to breast cancer awareness! (Unfortunately, he hasn't made a touchdown in October yet, but there is still one more game this month.)

I am not the biggest Arizona Cardinals fan, but as soon as I read this, I am definitely now a Larry Fitzgerald fan!

Did you notice that I've placed the link in my post a couple of times already?  There is absolutely no reason for you not to do this.  Here it is a couple more times.

Larry Fitzgerald - Facebook and Twitter

Like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter...DO IT NOW!!!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days - Day 18

Today was one of those days that reality and LIFE hit hard.  We lost a friend.  We will truly miss his quiet ways, his crazy long go-tee and sense of humor.  I've been good friends with his wife since junior high (so, a really, really long time) and friends with him for many years.  It's has been hard to think about anything other than my friend, his wife and daughter today.  As I sat with them today, cried with them, prayed by their side all I could think about was how precious life really is.

As with our tragic loss today, too many precious lives are lost to breast cancer.  We need to win this battle against cancer.  We MUST win this battle!!  There is no need for life to be cut short due to circumstances such as cancer or the way my friend died.

Why can't I/we do more?  Why haven't we figured out the cure for cancer?  How much longer is it going to take? (I say while stomping my feet, with my best pouty-face on as tears well up in my eyes!!)

I know I've said this many times in the last 18 days, but I really hope that with each post I write about breast cancer, more people become aware, more people support charities that conduct research to find causes and cures for cancer and more people step up to the challenges of cancer awareness, support and remembrance.  Life is too precious not to!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Let peace find your hearts, M. & Miss M!  Love you lots!

John 14:1-4:  “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

Read more Bible verses.

Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days - Day 17

Today I'd like to take the opportunity to honor an amazing woman!  A woman who fought cancer and won!  This woman is the most amazing person I've ever known. (I know you'll agree!)  It's my mother, Vickie!

Take a minute to read her story, then please, leave a comment honoring and supporting her fight.

  • When were you diagnosed? In 1995; I was 45 years old.
  • What is/was your exact diagnosis? I was diagnosed with stage 2 estrogen receptive carcinoma and now 17 years later, I continue to be cancer free.
  • What was your initial reaction? Almost my first thought was “I don’t want to die.” I wanted to be around for my children; I wanted to be able to watch them grow up. 
  • Who did you tell first? I told my husband first and then my children.
  • What was your treatment plan?  I had a radical mastectomy followed by chemotherapy.
  • What or who was your best support? My family and my church.
  • What was the worst part of it? One of the hardest parts was knowing that your family was scared also and there was nothing you could do about it.  The pills I had to take made me feel sick and some days I would just stare at them as I held them in the palm of my hand – knowing that as soon as I took them I was going to start feeling bad – again.
  • Are there any services in our area or nationally that someone else going through the same thing should know about? Use the internet to read and research.  Feeling informed was powerful. 
  • What is the best advice you got? Take as much time as you need to recover – from any surgery and chemo and radiation.  It took me nearly 6 months after the end of my chemo before I began to feel “normal” again.  There was one point shortly after my chemo ended that I really thought I was losing my mind.  Give yourself time. 
  • Did you lose your hair?  If so, did you have a wig and one that was your favorite? I didn't lose my hair – it only thinned.
  • You were going through a lot, did you treat yourself to one thing more frequently that you wouldn't have normally done.  Or a gift at the end of your treatment plan.  Like, eat as much pizza (when you felt like eating) or get a pedicure once a week or go on vacation?  I almost always had someone drive me to my chemo appointments and often then took me out for lunch after wards.  My treat at the end – after it was over was to drive to town by myself and wander the aisles at Costco at my own pace and then have a hot dog at Weinerschnitzel! 
  • In a few words, how would you describe your breast cancer experience?  I was very lucky!
I vividly remember the day mom told us she had cancer.  I was sitting on a blue couch in our living room with my brother and sister.  Like most people, the "C" word hit us hard. (Thinking back over it now, I am still a little weepy.  Imagining her mental pain, her struggle for the right words and the courage to sit before us and insist that she would be OK.) We never thought it would happen to our mom because like most children, we thought she was invincible.

What I also vividly remember is her strength after her surgery and during her treatments.  She did what she could for us (and more than she probably should have) and never showed her weakness due to the treatments.  She wanted to make us proud.  I know my dad, brother and sister would agree...she did!

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 20th, at 8:00 a.m. my mom will be running in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in our city.  Good luck mom!  I know you'll crush this race, just like you did cancer!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Thursday, October 18, 2012

31 Days - Day 16

Here we are, half way through our 31 day challenge!  How much have you learned about breast cancer in the last 15 days?  Let's take a look at the answers to the pop quiz yesterday and see.

Over __________ many cases of breast cancer are found each year.
A.  100,000
B.  200,000
C.  300,000
D.  400,000
This questions is from Day 1.  226,870 new cases of invasive breast cancer (includes new cases of primary breast cancer among survivors, but not recurrence of original breast cancer among survivors) and 39,510 breast cancer deaths.

One in ________ women will get breast cancer in their lifetime.
A.  2
B.  4
C.  15
E.  7
This questions is also from Day 1.  On average one in seven women will get breast cancer over a 90 year life span.

How long has October been Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
A.  25 years
B.  15 years
C.  10 years
D.  20 years
From Day 2.  For the past 25 years, October has been known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

What are some of the reasons for early detection of breast cancer?
A.  Greater range of treatment options
B.  Better Treatment Outcomes
C.  Less extensive surgery
D.  All of the above
Do you remember this graphic from Day 3?

What is the cancer fighting source do fatty fish, white chia seends, flaxseeds and walnuts provide?
A.  Fiber
B.  Omega 3s
C.  Cruciferous Vegetables
D.  Folate
From Day 8.  Here is a list of examples of all of the cancer fighting foods.

  • Fiber.  (Bring out that oatmeal bowl every morning.)
  • Omega 3s.  Foods such as fatty fish, white chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts. (Add some of these Omega-3s to your morning oatmeal...two birds one stone kind of effect.)
  • Cruciferous Vegetables.  Arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale.  (All very delicious, right? - here's a recipe that actually makes brussels sprouts look yummy.)
  • Folate.  Good sources include lentils, beans, certain fruits, leafy greens and fortified cereals.  (Here's an easy recipe to prepare a Lentil Quinoa Salad.)

What color is the ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?  (Really...this is a gimme!)
A.  Black
B.  Brown
C.  Yellow
D.  PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven't figured this one out yet....well...I'm just gonna leave it up in the air! :)

How'd you do?  I'm sure you'all passed with flying colors, right?

I am sooo excited about tomorrow's post...my first honor post!  It's a super awesome one to start off with!  Check back to tomorrow and you'll see!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days - Day 15

Oh.  My.  Goodness!  Here I am sitting at my computer at 11:00 p.m. writing this post.  I almost missed another day! :(  It has been one of those days, where we are up and out of the house by 8:30 a.m. and we got home around 7:00 p.m.  The goslings, Daddy Goose and I are all at the end of our line.  ZZZZZZZ.... I mean...  Time to wake up, see how alert you (and I) are and take a POP Quiz  to see how much we're all paying attention about breast cancer.

Over __________ many cases of breast cancer are found each year.
A.  100,000
B.  200,000
C.  300,000
D.  400,000

One in ________ women will get breast cancer in their lifetime.
A.  2
B.  4
C.  15
E.  7

How long has October been Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
A.  25 years
B.  15 years
C.  10 years
D.  20 years

What are some of the reasons for early detection of breast cancer?
A.  Greater range of treatment options
B.  Better Treatment Outcomes
C.  Less extensive surgery
D.  All of the above

What is the cancer fighting source do fatty fish, white chia seends, flaxseeds and walnuts provide?
A.  Fiber
B.  Omega 3s
C.  Cruciferous Vegetables
D.  Folate

What color is the ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?  (Really...this is a gimme!)
A.  Black
B.  Brown
C.  Yellow
D.  PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tune in tomorrow and see how well you did.  I hope you've been paying attention, knowing some (of course not all, like that PINK is the ribbon color for Breast Cancer Awareness Month) of these answers could literally save your life.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 Days - Day 14

Knowing is half the battle, right?  Being aware of your health and your circumstances can literally save your life.  If I haven't been able to encourage you to discuss and figure out the status of your  breast health in the last two weeks, I am hoping that this post will do so.

Know what your breast health is.  Know what the risks are.  Know what YOUR risks are.  Know the family history of breast (or other types of) cancer.

The National Cancer Institute has a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment tool.  While there are plenty of disclaimers attached to the tool, it might be your first step in getting yourself to a doctor.

I took the assessment.  Here are my results:

5 Year Risk

This woman (age 36) 0.6%
Average woman (age 36): 0.3%

Lifetime Risk
This woman (to age 90): 18%
Average woman (to age 90): 12.5%

Good results, right?  However, as we all know - only time will tell how true these results will be.  As I am sure you wouldn't, I'm not holding my breath on these results.  I will be continuing my monthly exams, annual exams with my OB/GYN as well as doing my best to reduce my cancer risks.

How about you...what do you know about your cancer risk?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Monday, October 15, 2012

31 Days - Day 13

Happy Monday!  This past weekend was...well...I just couldn't get in the writing mood.  Pathetic, I know.  Between early morning appointments, soccer game, dinner with my friends and time with Daddy Goose and our goslings, I just didn't.  So, enough with the excuses and back on track.

In keeping with my Cancer Fighting Foods theme, I thought I'd share with you another type of "fighting" food - Yoplait Yogurt, Save Lids to Save Lives.  This food fights cancer in a different way...by donating money to organizations that are looking for a cure.

Since 1997, when the campaign started, the company has donated/raised more than $34 million!  Wow, what a great accomplishment.

How it works.  You buy Yoplait yogurt, or any of the other partner products (such as Honey Nut Cheerios, Green Giant, Progresso, Nature Valley, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker) save the lid or a part of the label and either mail it in or redeem them online.  Simple. Easy.  Fast.  General Mills/Yoplait will donate up to $2.5 million to Susan G. Komen.  Plus, if you include your return address and ZIP code your donation will go to the local affiliate.

While I am not a huge yogurt eater anymore, Brother Goose is.  You can bet we will be looking for these products and mailing in our labels/lids.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Friday, October 12, 2012

31 Days - Day 12

Pink is everywhere right now.  You can't go into any store or look across the street without seeing someone or something with a pink ribbon on it.

What a commercial the cause has become.  I wonder, how much of the sales of some of these products actually go to supporting breast cancer causes.  Research it the next time you purchase a pink ribbon (or any other color ribbon) product.  Is it worth the purchase?

If you're just buying the pink product because you like it, okay.  But if you're trying to support a cause, make sure you're actually supporting the cause and not a company trying to turn a profit.

Marie Claire has a great article (yes, I know how silly that sounds) about breast cancer society scams and all of the companies out there that are just trying to make a buck on the business of pink.  To read the article, go here.

The article provides great advice from the American Institute of Philanthropy on questions you should ask yourself before donating to a cause or buying pink products:

1. How forthcoming is this charity?
2. Where is the money going, exactly?
3. How clear is the charity about its long and short term goals?
4. Am I being pressured to donate?
5. Don't be fooled by impressive or familiar names of charities.

Just a couple of days ago, my mom and I were in Target and purchased a pink ribbon pen and pencil.  While we bought the pens because we liked the look and because we both love the color pink, I'm now wondering how much of that purchase went to a good cause.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days - Day 11

Susan G. Komen for the Cure is doing a 31 day campaign.  They're calling it:

They are featuring "stories of compassion, determination, triumph, despair and optimism through the eyes of breast cancer survivors, the people who love them, and the people helping them every day."

Starting next week, I'll be sharing similar stories here on my blog.  I've already received several names of people in my community that have fought breast cancer and I am thrilled to be able to commemorate the battle on this forum.

While I know the reach of Momma Goose & Gaggle isn't nearly as far as Susan G. Komen for the Cure, my hope is that by the end of the next 31 days, at least one of you will have learned something new about breast cancer, been inspired by a story I've shared or at the very least enjoyed reading my posts.

I have already learned a bunch and been inspired by the stories I've read!  Like this one, from Jeff Bennett from Portland, Maine.  (Yes, men can get breast cancer, too.)

I'm sure you know a mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, husband, dad, brother, uncle or friend that has battled breast cancer?  Can I honor them?  Would you or (s)he be willing to let me profile his/her on my blog?  If so, send me your/her information and I'd love to make people aware of his/her/your fight, support him/her/you in your fight, and help remember her for her fight!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days - Day 10

Wow, 10 days have passed already?!  Time flies when you're having fun, huh?

For several years now I've seen the Ford breast cancer campaign, "Fight Like a Girl."  Today, I wanted to write a little about their campaign and how much I love their slogan.  Like most days, I type in what I want to look for into Google and unlike most days, today I got something totally unexpected.  Fight Like a Girl is also a club/website supporting women (and men, too) who are battling cancer!  How awesome is that?!

Seriously...how cool is that logo!!! Photo source.

There are pages and pages and of useful information on cancer.  From alternative medicines to general articles about "your" type of cancer to life after cancer.  The website also has personal stories of breast cancer.  The site will also help you raise funds with "Fight Like a Girl" gear for your cancer awareness event, such as Relay for Life or Run for a Cure.

Check out Fight Like a Girl...maybe even share your story on cancer!

 I am excited to find another favorite and USEFUL website!

Always ~ Momma Goose

P.S.  Look over to the right and check out my membership badge! :)

Go to Day 11.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days - Day 9

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 9

How often do we hear good news about cancer?  Wait...wait, don't answer.  I already know what you're going to say.  Hardly EVER!

Well I got a little good news today from the Susan G. Komen's Public Policy Collaborative.  They reported that Assemblymember Henry T. Perea's (who is from Fresno...go Mr. Perea!) Assembly Bill 137 was passed!  The bill requires health plans and insurers to provide patients with information regarding recommended timelines for the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. 

There were a couple of other breast cancer bills passed as well.

  • SB 255 - Allows patients undergoing partial mastectomies and lumpectomies to determine the length of their hospital stay in consultation with their physician or surgeon without prior approval from the patient’s insurance company.
  • SB 1359 - Extends until 2018 the ability for taxpayers to designate on their tax returns a specific contribution to the California Cancer Research Fund.  (WOO-HOO another quick and easy way for people to send donations for research!)
  • SB 1538 - A bill that requires health care providers to inform women if they have breast dense tissue and encourages further conversation between the patient and her doctor.
I had no idea so much was going on in Sacramento with regards to breast cancer awareness and support!  These bills and the medical care and research funding they will provide are a big boost in the fight against breast cancer!

If you don't know already how they feel, check in with your representatives soon and make sure they are supporting these types of bills.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 10.

Monday, October 8, 2012

31 Days - Day 8

My usual post on Mondays is about our Mellow Monday, including a slow cooker recipe and my menu plan for the week.  It's our usual day to stay in pajamas, catch up on missed weekend chores and hopefully catch an extra nap.  Due to my 31 Day Challenge, I've decided to forego the regular Mellow Monday recipe post and continue to concentrate on my challenge.

Did you know that there is actually some research that suggests that cancer can be prevented and/or slowed based on your diet?  While I am a firm believer that your body will gives you accurate responses based on your food choices, but whether cancer can be prevented based on what you eat is a hard one to swallow.  (Har, har, har!)

What kind of foods should I or shouldn't I be eating you ask.  There are plenty of websites, doctors and researchers out there who will give you many different answers.  Here is what I've come up with as most common in their findings:

  1. Fiber.  (Bring out that oatmeal bowl every morning.)
  2. Omega 3s.  Foods such as fatty fish, white chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts. (Add some of these Omega-3s to your morning oatmeal...two birds one stone kind of effect.)
  3. Cruciferous Vegetables.  Arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale.  (All very delicious, right? - here's a recipe that actually makes brussels sprouts look yummy.)
  4. Folate.  Good sources include lentils, beans, certain fruits, leafy greens and fortified cereals.  (Here's an easy recipe to prepare a Lentil Quinoa Salad.)
How many of those things do you have in your daily diet now?  Now that you know they can help prevent breast cancer, how many of you will be adding them?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 9.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 Days - Day 7

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 7

You may or may not know that I am a big football fan.  I love to watch games, whether it is my team or not.  49er football has been a tradition in my home for as long as I can remember.  My grandpa, grandma dad, mom, brother, sister and I have always rooted the bay area team on with pride (even when it was hard to be prideful about our team).

When Daddy Goose and I got married one of the promises that I made during our vows (figuratively...although that would have been fun to say during our actual vows) was that I would become a Denver Broncos fan.  Dutifully, I have done so.  It has not always been easy to cheer them on, especially when they've played the 49ers in preseason, but after seven seasons, I've been converted.  I enjoy watching and rooting for Denver football just was much as I ever enjoyed watching and rooting on 49er football.  Don't get me wrong, I do still love the 49ers, but I made a promise Feb. 4, 2006 that I will keep.

I bet you're wondering what all of this has to do with my 31 day challenge.  Well, I am proud to be a NFL fan, but even prouder during the month of October when the league puts some of their money where their mouths are and do a huge support and awareness campaign.  Have you noticed all the pink on the field and in the stands?  They go all out!

Their slogan is, "A Crucial Catch - Annual Screening Saves Lives."  Pretty clever, huh?

The NFL has an entire website dedicated to the cause.  There are wonderful resources on breast cancer as well as a section where you and your high school and youth football team can use their resources to help in the cause.

The NFL is also hosting an auction where you can buy player's gear and the money goes to breast cancer research. This signed Harvin jersey currently is bidding for $2,555.00!!!  Harvin wore the jersey on October 9, 2011. (Sweat smell included in the auction price.)  Hurry if you want to buy it you only have 2 days left!


Many businesses support the breast cancer awareness cause, but due to its popularity and TV presence, possibly none as visibly as the NFL can and does.  Thank you to the NFL and its effort in making breast cancer fundraising a priority.  They've made it even cooler for men to wear pink!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 8.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 Days - Day 6

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 6

One of mine and Daddy Goose's very favorite show is NBC's Parenthood.


The show is based on the Braverman family - parents with four adult children, all who have children of their own ranging in age from 5 to 19.  Each week the show is able to capture our  emotions, joys and trials as parents.  We relate to so many of the characters on varying levels.  From the youngest, "Crosby" and his former carefree ways, now being newly married, to the way "Adam" and "Christina" respectfully treat one another as husband/wife and work to handle family life as a team, to "Zack" and "Camile" the patriarchs of the family who love nothing more than having the whole family together.  The show also further convinces me that I'd  like to have a big family.  (Convincing Daddy Goose that we should have four goslings, will however, be another story...but we will see what God has in store for us.)

The current story line revolves around "Christina" and her recent discovery of a lump in her breast that is cancer.  She and her husband, "Adam" are trying to navigate through the very scary beginning of the process, figuring out what options to take, how "Christina" will feel physically and what role she will be able to take with their infant daughter and son with Asperger syndrome, as well as just coming to terms with her diagnosis.

Could these episodes have come at a better time?  Here I am in the middle of my challenge and one of my favorite shows has a whole series on the subject!  (It couldn't have anything to do with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I assure you. LOL!)

While the Braverman's have dealt with more issues as a family in the last 3 years than most of us will in our entire lives - they have been able to show Americans the value of family.  That even in times of festivities and tribulations, you can count on your family.

Next week, "Christina" tells the rest of the family of her diagnosis.  I am sitting at the edge of my seat to see not whether, but rather how the Braverman family supports her in her journey.

If you need a good laugh, a good cry and a sense that you're not alone in your parenting adventure, Parenthood is the show for you!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 7.

Friday, October 5, 2012

31 Days - Day 5

What are you doing on Sunday October 7th at 8:00 a.m.?  You could be walking in the Making Strides Against Cancer walk/run event at Woodward Park!

Making Strides Against Cancer is an event put on by the American Cancer Society, locally by the Central Valley chapter.  The event is:
"a celebration of survivorship - an occasion to express hope and our shared goal to end a disease that threatens the lives of so many people we love."
Your small donation of $35.00 will go toward funding research, supporting women who have been diagnosed with cancer as well as allowing access to mammograms to women who may not otherwise have access to them.

As with many races of this kind, individuals, teams and companies get involved and reach for high donation goals.  As of tonight, I & I Property Management is leading the pack, raising $4,961.44!  The teams dedication to the fight against cancer is worth a standing ovation!  Great job, I & I!

Now you know where I'll be on Sunday morning...Making Strides Against Cancer to help create awareness, provide support and remember my friends who have lost their battle.

Where will you be?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 6.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days - Day 4

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 4

Agh...I am exhausted.  I was at jury duty all. day. long.  We were to report at 8:30 a.m. and I left the courthouse at 4:30 p.m. At the end of the day I was not chosen to be on the jury; however, by then I felt vested in the case and almost wanted to be picked and was even a little disappointed that I wasn't.

As I drove home, immediately thoughts of dinner, baths, chores, etc, etc, etc came to my mind.  Wow, so much to do and I still had to stop by the grocery store and pick up my goslings from my in-laws.  (Its days like these that I am so glad I do not work outside the home and that make me more thankful to have this opportunity to stay home with my goslings and Daddy Goose.)

After dinner, baths and the goslings were in bed, I crashed on the couch.  All of a sudden day 4 of my challenge pops into my head.  Immediately, I think, "I've had a tough day.  The last thing I want to do is sit at the computer and write a blog post.  I just wanna drink my Corona and watch the rest of the football game."

My next thought goes something like this...

"Get off you a$$ Momma Goose.  You are not feeling minutely as tired, minutely as sickened,  minutely as broken as someone fighting for their life due to breast cancer and chemo/radiation treatments!  Get UP!  Get UP!  They don't give up...how can you?"

Now I realize that my challenge isn't nearly as meaningful or worthy as fighting for your life.  But those thoughts motivated me and made me get off the couch and write this post.

Ladies who have fought cancer - I applaud you.  I respect your fight.  I respect you unwillingness to give up, not to just lay on the couch and give up.

As a very small token of gratitude please take this post as a "thank you" for getting up off your a$$ and taking on this epidemic, breast cancer!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 5.
Do you need to catch up on my challenge?  Look here and you can see all of them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days - Day 3

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 3

One of the best ways to fight cancer is early detection.  Here are some great reasons why:

Source: American Cancer Society

Do you know how often you're supposed to do a self-examination?  I'll give you a hint...its more than just before you head to the OB/GYN for your annual pap. :)

Need help remembering?  I do!  I just signed up for The American Cancer Society online reminder system (go here for more info) that you can sign up for and they will email you a reminder and  based on your age.  Mine will be coming on the first day of my birth month and will also have guidance on the type of breast cancer screening they recommend.

Here are some other guidelines from The American Cancer Society regarding breast cancer.  Most adults should:
  • Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE) about every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over
  • Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any breast change promptly to their health care provider. Breast self-exam (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s.
  • Some women – because of their family history, a genetic tendency, or certain other factors – should be screened with MRI in addition to mammograms. (The number of women who fall into this category is small: less than 2% of all the women in the US.) Talk with your doctor about your history and whether you should have additional tests at an earlier age

There is a wealth of information out there on breast cancer.  Really, women (including myself) have no excuse not to be educated about this disease.  I will be providing other favorite and useful breast cancer websites this month.  If you are a woman or if you have breast cancer in your family history...MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THEM OUT!!

Happy Hump Day/Day 3 of our challenge!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 4.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days - Day 2

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 2

For the past 25 years, October has been known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  While the organization that started the awareness month, the National Breast Cancer Awareness Association, the cause and the awareness month seem to reach past our borders.  Check out these cool buildings and how other countries are showing their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The Pink Tokyo Tower - Source
Botanical Garden in Brazil  - Source
As we all know, breast cancer does not discriminate against race, color, religion, national origin and believe it or not gender.  These countries and many others join in the fight hard to eliminate the disease.

On our own land, the lights in the George Washington Bridge, 156 in all,  are pink.

Source:  The Jersey Journal

Breast Cancer Awareness organizations have set out to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.  While originally, awareness was a cause fronted by mostly cancer organizations, many other types of organizations such as clothing companies, celebrities and even your local firefighters have gone pink.  Breast cancer awareness is one of the most supported.

The number of websites and organizations working against breast cancer are countless.  I’m sure we've all been to a walk or two to support one of the organizations.

How do you support breast cancer awareness month?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 3.

Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days - Day 1

I am joining with almost 1000 other bloggers this October in a challenge to write everyday for 31 days! That's right, 31 days...in a row...of writing about a topic you hold dear to your heart.  Wow!  I am  excited and scared at the same time.

I have thought and prayed and thought and prayed for over a month about what topic I could actually write about for the next 31 days, I was blank. (I know you're all surprised that I couldn't think of something to say/write.)

Then all of a sudden today it hit me...October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!!  Why not write about all of the wonderful women that have fought breast cancer?  Why not write about the amazing women we've lost to breast cancer?  Why not write so we can be more aware of this horrible disease?  Why not write about the many organizations that are out there researching breast cancer, working day and night to find a cure?  I am more than excited to write about this topic for the next 31 days.

Follow along, become aware, help support and remember!

Here we go.

Day 1 - Breast Cancer Awareness, Support and Remembrance

According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure in United States during the year 2012 there will be:

226,870 new cases of invasive breast cancer (includes new cases of primary breast cancer among survivors, but not recurrence of original breast cancer among survivors) and 39,510 breast cancer deaths.
According to Suite 101:
On average one in seven women will get breast cancer over a 90 year life span.
This is outrageous!!!  I need to just digest this for a moment, don't you?


I'm sure you know a mom, wife, daughter, sister, or friend that is reflected in those heartbreaking statistics?  Can I honor them?  Would you or she be willing to let me profile her on my blog?  If so, send me your/her information and I'd love to make people aware of her/your fight, support her/you in your fight, and help remember her for her fight!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 2.

By the way, I also found out that October is National Pizza Month!!!  I ALMOST wrote about all the many combinations of pizza and how much I loooooove pizza!  But, breast cancer awareness won out.  Who knows...maybe you'll see a few yummy pizza ideas as well. :)

Mellow Monday: Crock-Pot Teriyaki Wings

Mellow Monday is here!  Naps, jammies and slow cooker are all that is on my agenda for this morning and afternoon.  It is back up into the 100s today (I know...crazy weather seeing as it is October 1st!!), so staying cool and maybe even a run through the sprinklers are high priorities as well!

I'm cookin' up a finger food for dinner - Crock-Pot Teriyaki Chicken Wings.  Brother Goose might need a little help figuring it out and Lil' Miss Goose will not be getting the wings with bone-in, but I think it will be a fun, messy-face, get in the shower right after, type of dinner.

This is another great recipe from Ziplist.com, that led me to another great website, Crock-Pot Ladies.  If you like to use your crock-pot/slow cooker, there is no way you can pass up visiting this website!

  • 3 Pounds Chicken Wings
  • 1 Cup Honey
  • 1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
  • 2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Ketchup
  • 1 Garlic Clove, Minced
  • Salt And Pepper To Taste

Place chicken wings in the crock-pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  Combine remaining ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.  Pour sauce over wings and toss to coat.  Cover and cook on low for 6 to 7 hours.

Read more at: Crock-Pot Ladies.com

I am on-call for jury duty this week (BOO!), so I've decided that quick and easy is the name of the game when it comes to dinner this week.  Check out what we're having this week.

Monday: Crock-Pot Teriyaki Wings with rice and steamed carrots
Tuesday:  Baked Ravioli Bites with cesar salad
Wednesday: Heat'in up leftovers for Hump-Day
Thursday:  Chicken Cordon Blue Crescents with corn and fruit
Friday:  Taco Quesadilla "Pizzas" with salad
Saturday: Headed to a barbeque birthday party - no need to make dinner
Sunday:  Dinner at the fair with friends

Do you like to menu plan?  It helps me to stay on budget, stay on track with food choices and frankly, just makes life easier.  If you'd like to see more menu plans, head over to OrgJunkie.com.

What are you eating this week?

Always ~ Momma Goose