Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days - Day 4

31 Days of Breast Cancer Awareness, Support & Remembrance - Day 4

Agh...I am exhausted.  I was at jury duty all. day. long.  We were to report at 8:30 a.m. and I left the courthouse at 4:30 p.m. At the end of the day I was not chosen to be on the jury; however, by then I felt vested in the case and almost wanted to be picked and was even a little disappointed that I wasn't.

As I drove home, immediately thoughts of dinner, baths, chores, etc, etc, etc came to my mind.  Wow, so much to do and I still had to stop by the grocery store and pick up my goslings from my in-laws.  (Its days like these that I am so glad I do not work outside the home and that make me more thankful to have this opportunity to stay home with my goslings and Daddy Goose.)

After dinner, baths and the goslings were in bed, I crashed on the couch.  All of a sudden day 4 of my challenge pops into my head.  Immediately, I think, "I've had a tough day.  The last thing I want to do is sit at the computer and write a blog post.  I just wanna drink my Corona and watch the rest of the football game."

My next thought goes something like this...

"Get off you a$$ Momma Goose.  You are not feeling minutely as tired, minutely as sickened,  minutely as broken as someone fighting for their life due to breast cancer and chemo/radiation treatments!  Get UP!  Get UP!  They don't give can you?"

Now I realize that my challenge isn't nearly as meaningful or worthy as fighting for your life.  But those thoughts motivated me and made me get off the couch and write this post.

Ladies who have fought cancer - I applaud you.  I respect your fight.  I respect you unwillingness to give up, not to just lay on the couch and give up.

As a very small token of gratitude please take this post as a "thank you" for getting up off your a$$ and taking on this epidemic, breast cancer!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Go to Day 5.
Do you need to catch up on my challenge?  Look here and you can see all of them.

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~ Momma Goose