Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healthy Living Tip #2

Healthy Living Tip #2:  Don't Go Hungry

It's okay to skip meals, right? Wrong. To lose and stay a healthy weight you have to eat, not starve yourself.  What a great concept, consume to lose!

Remember, Healthy Living Tip #1: Make Healthy Living a Team Approach?  According to the site,, "it’s not just your weight loss that is at risk when you skip meals, but the weight of your family (or your team), as well. A recent study of the health and diet habits of 2,500 pairs of teenaged twins, siblings, or half-siblings showed that those whose family skipped meals were more likely to be obese or overweight."

How many times have you heard, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."  As a kid and young adult I never thought twice about skipping breakfast, but these days I'm the one trying to get my gaggle to eat.  Luckily, both of my goslings love to eat, so its not a tough battle with them.  Daddy Goose on the other hand is not a morning eater, it is like pulling teeth to get him to eat something in the morning...unless it's chocolate donuts.  As an adult, I've been able to recognize my hunger emotion and definitely notice a difference on days that I eat breakfast versus days that I skip it.

Here are a few ways to help you not skip meals:

  1. Figure out why you skip the meal.  Journal about it, make a plan to change the habit and go back often and review your plan.
  2. Are you in a hurry and that's why you skip breakfast?  Eat a no fuss, no mess breakfast.  We love the new belVita Breakfast biscuits.  They come in a neat transportable package, are filling and yummy!
  3. Make breakfast/lunch/dinner when you have time and freeze it! (You know how I love freezer cooking)
  4. Keep easy snacks in your bag or purse.  Nuts are a great choice.
  5. Have an emergency meal plan.  Every time you go to the grocery store pick up the ingredients to your "go-to" meal, so that you always have them on hand and you can whip it up in a flash.
Do you skip meals?  Check yourself, the next time you skip a meal, see if you overeat at the next meal.

Momma Goose 

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~ Momma Goose