Friday, June 29, 2012

Mission (Im)Possible: Office Organization

I have accepted what feels like an impossible mission and organizing my home office.  Just look at the task at hand:

I've been sort of holding on to the very minuscule chance that we might be able to move up to the mountains by not unpacking our office.  After three months of squeezing through boxes and making due, I've decided enough is enough.  Plus, our chances of moving were, well shall we say, stripped away this week.  Thankfully, we know God has a great plan for Daddy Goose, so we are picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves off and moving on.  Beginning with finishing the project of unpacking.

We are blessed to have been able to move into a "home" rather than a "rental," and it's high time our home office looks like it. Here are a couple more before pictures:

I cannot wait to see and use this beautiful roll-top!

This is where I've been blogging, paying bills, etc!  Pathetic!

When all is said and done, I will make sure to show you my after pictures.  I'm headed over to and some other office organizations sites for some inspiration and tips.

Wish me luck my friends...I will see you on the other side of a very possible mission!

Momma Goose

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Favorite and Useful Websites:

I came across several months ago on Once A Month Mom (a freezer cooking website).  When I first saw her review, I quickly passed by it not thinking twice.  I already had my tried and true list making "software," paper and pen.  However, after seeing it on several of my favorite food websites as well as in the app store, I had to take a second look.  I am TOTALLY hooked!  I have a feeling you might be, too.

What is  According to their website, it is  "all the tools you need to effortlessly organize this [grocery shopping] weekly chore in one place. What does that mean? It means having your personal recipe box, shopping list and grocery coupons all on one place, at"  These three sentences do a great job describing it, but its ooohhh so much more than that.  It's an idea hub, a drug store reminder, store locator, budgeting tool and now its a meal planner as well!  I now have the app on my phone, so this amazing wonder is transportable.

Here's are a few examples of how I use the app.
  • While meal planning, I check out my recipe box and "add" the ingredients from each recipe I'm going to make to the shopping list.
  • If there isn't anything I feel like making, I can use the search tool to get new ideas or view the most popular recipes of the week. All of the recipes are gathered from popular websites and/or partnered food blogs.
  • I use the barcode scanner to scan-in items to my grocery list, to make sure we don't forget our must-have items the next time we go shopping.
  • While at the grocery store, the list is perfectly organized through the aisles so that I get everything in each section, rather than zigzagging and backtracking through the store....which with two goslings in toe, is not fun!
  • I like to go back and add in the cost of my items, so I can budget my list and have a clear idea of how much I spend.
  • While surfing the web, I can add new recipes to my Ziplist recipe box directly from the participating site.

The website and app are such amazing tools and so hard to describe in one small blog post, so please go over and check it out.  I promise you will not be sorry you did.

Momma Goose

P.S.  Just in case you were wondering, I have not been compensated by to write this post. (However, if they'd like to do so now, I won't turn away any cash. Hee-hee!)  I'm just a BIG fan of the website.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: For the Love of Food & Family

Baby Goose enjoying her dinner.

Just look at that sweet baby girl!  Somehow she might even be cuter with dinner all over her face.  Maybe its the mere fact that with her messy face, hands, bib, hair and sometimes even feet that I know she's thoroughly loved the meal I prepared for her.  (Anyone that loves my food gets a bonus star in my book.)

I remember the first messy face Brother Goose picture I took.  It was one of his first meals.

Awe...look at those chubby cheeks.

I'm sure we all have these pictures of our kids (or of ourselves) a mess from the days of learning how to eat.  They are classic moments of parenthood and a right of passage as children captured around a family meal.

I am one of those people that prefers and sometimes insists on family dinners.  Even before our goslings, I would wait for Daddy Goose to get home from work so that we could have our dinner together.  (He still won't eat without me.) Growing up, family dinners were a tradition.  While at the time I did not always enjoy it, I am very thankful for the time I spent with my parents and siblings around the dinner table.

These days it is a little harder to have a family meal every night. Daddy Goose works late during the week, so many times it is me and our goslings eating at the table.  However, Daddy Goose and I make it a priority to eat together on the weekends.  Family meals are something that we want to instill as important to our goslings.  I've read many studies that say that families that eat together communicate more, kids get better grades when their parents are involved in family activities (such as meals) and kids are more likely to stay out of trouble.  Besides, we wouldn't all be able to enjoy these messy faces if we didn't sit at the table together.

Do you eat as a family?  Why is it important to you?  It doesn't matter if its at the table, on TV trays, on a picnic bench or in your backyard on a blanket.  Make meals fun, meaningful and maybe a little messy and I guarantee you'll forget about how good or bad your food is and make awesome memories that will last your and your kids a lifetime.

Here are some other fun, messy face pictures of my goslings. Join me on Facebook for more pics of my goslings and make sure to share some of your messy cuties! I'd love to see them!

Momma Goose

Not much better than watermelon on a hot afternoon.
Homemade chocolate pudding Popsicle...yum!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mellow Monday: Cheesy Chicken, Bacon & Tater Tot Bake

Good Mellow Monday to you!

Today I  re-started my jogging routine.  I usually try not to start new routines on Monday because I once read that people who start diets on a Monday are more likely to fail...but it just so happened that I woke up earlier than normal today, so I decided to utilize my free time wisely.  I must admit it was nice to be out enjoying the cool breeze, meditating with each step and starting my day with a little Momma Goose time...even on a day I try to be mellow.

I'll also admit that while I started my day on a healthy note, today's slow cooker recipe is not one of the healthiest I've ever posted.  However, with a little tweaking and a smart portion, even the dieter in me will be satisfied.  I got today's recipe through, an amazing website/app that I will be blogging on later this week.  (As a side note,, got the recipe from another one of my favorites,!)

  • 1 (32 ounce) bag tater tots
  • 0.5 (3 ounce) jar bacon bits (I used Oscar Mayer - only 25 calories per serving)
  • 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 1/2 cups grated colby cheese*
  • 1 1/2 cups grated monterey jack pepper cheese*
  • 3/4 cup milk (I used skim milk)
  • salt and pepper

*Instead of using 3 cups of cheese, I used 2.5 cups of a pre-shredded Colby Jack blend.

  1. Grease the bottom of the crock pot.
  2. Layer 1/2 the tater tots on the bottom of the pot.
  3. Sprinkle with 1/4 of the jar of bacon bits.
  4. Combine the two cheeses, and sprinkle 1/3 of it over the bacon and tots.
  5. Top cheese with the chicken breasts.
  6. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Top chicken with another 1/3 of cheese.
  8. Sprinkle with another 1/4 of the jar of bacon bits.
  9. Add remainder of the tater tots.
  10. Top with final 1/3 of the cheese.
  11. Pour milk over the top.
  12. Set crock pot to high and cook 3-4 hours.

Enjoy your Mellow Monday and this ooey, gooey cheesy recipe!!

Momma Goose

Friday, June 22, 2012

A little giggle from our gaggle

A short and sweet (or corny) note  to help you start your weekend right - with a giggle!

What is the definition of a goose?

(Drum roll, please!)

An animal that grows down as it grows up!

Have a great weekend, filled with many more giggles.

Momma Goose

P.S.  For more corny...ahem, I mean funny jokes, go to

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Inspiration for a Busy Week & Tired Momma!

Wow, has this been a busy week.  Each morning we've been to Parables in the Park (aka: vacation Bible school) and swim lessons.  We've really enjoyed the time with our friends at Parables and swim lessons with Miss Jenny.  The scheduled morning leaves naps and chores to do in the afternoon.   Its been very busy for Daddy Goose too, he hasn't gotten home from work before 10:00 p.m.  The great news is, we don't have much planned for the weekend so we can spend some quality family time together.

It's these kind of crazy weeks that sometimes get me and other mommas alike feeling a little down on themselves, a little envious of others and a little incompetent. I don't know why, but I'm always amazed how God puts certain people in your life at just the right time! I subscribe to a blog called, "The Gypsy Mama." (I've participated in her Five Minute Friday free write sessions a couple of times.) She is a well traveled mom of three with an amazingly REAL  and fun view of motherhood.  Yesterday, Lisa-Jo posted "the tired mother's creed, a list of 20 "I" statements that ring true to all. My favorites are:
  • I shall not measure what I've accomplished today by the loads of unfolded laundry but by the assurance of deep love I've tickled into my kids.
  • I shall not compare myself to other mothers, but find my identity in the God who trusted me with these kids in the first place.
  • I shall model kind words – to kids and grown-ups alike.
As I was reading it my eyes filled with tears!  My kitchen has not been spotless this week, I seriously cannot find anything to wear in my closet and I am sad because we are not able to spend enough time with Daddy Goose.  And while I am not dog tired from all of our busy activities, (only because I've had a couple of really GOOD naps and a lot of coffee...shhh!) and my children have been on their best behavior - it was one of those posts that I could totally relate to and really needed! 

Make sure you go to her blog and check out the rest of them.  I guarantee you'll find one that will pierce through your heart and give you the boost you need.  She's even created a free PDF that you can print.

Thank you Lisa-Jo!  I already printed my free copy and put it on my refrigerator!

Momma Goose

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Swim Lessons

Picture Courtesy of:

Geese are natural swimmers, right?  I want my goslings to be great swimmers.  Like geese in the wild, my goslings are drawn to the water.  With some of these hot summer days the only way to escape the heat is to lounge in the pool.  So, it is crucial that Brother and Baby Goose know how to swim.  Unlike the geese in the wild, my goslings need instruction in this area.  While I was a competitive swimmer from a very young age, I am not in any position to "teach" my goslings how to swim.  I love to hang with Brother Goose in the pool and practice his moves, but I'll leave the teaching to the pros.

We started swim lessons with Brother Goose pretty early, I think he was just two.  A good friend of our family has started teaching him, Ms. Jenny.  To be honest, I don't remember much about the lessons that year, other than there were a couple of tears the first few lessons, but by the end he and Ms. Jenny were bestest buddies.  Then last year, we took lessons again with Ms. Jenny and Ms. Ali.  Again, a few tears in the beginning, but towards the end he had two new best friends.

This year was a little different.  From about December until the end of May, Brother Goose had non-stop ear infections.  It has been a brutal battle.  My poor sweet boy has had every antibiotic out there and we've been to see the doctor enough that my health insurance probably owns an exam room in our name. (Maybe they should decorate it with geese!)  Finally a couple of weeks ago, he had tubes put in.  The surgery went well and if you didn't know he had surgery that morning, you would not have guessed it by his behavior in the afternoon.  His hearing is better, he hasn't had an infection since and we are all smiles!

You can imagine that at first we were a little tentative about even putting him in the pool this summer.  However, there is no keeping a very active four year old out of the pool or out of our boat.    Thankfully, Ms. Jenny was teaching at the right time that we could get it in before the tubes and then again after taking a break because of the tubes.

I am always amazed at what they accomplish in 45 short minutes.  Brother Goose is now doing his four year old version of butterfly, breast stroke and freestyle.  Not to mention, he's diving into the pool and "rocketing" up from the bottom.  It is so much fun to watch and I couldn't be prouder!

I don't envy swim teachers of little kids.  It's a daunting and important task with usually not much cooperation or gratitude from students.  Yet, year after year Ms. Jenny says "Yes, I'm doing swim lessons.  Come on over!" 

Thank you Ms. Jenny and Ms. Ali!  You have done an awesome job teaching Brother Goose and we truly appreciate your lifesaving lessons!  Now...Ms. Jenny, don't go getting a "real" job and move away! (Wink, wink!)

Momma Goose

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mellow Monday: June 26, 2012

It has not been very mellow around here this morning.  (Which is why my post is up so late today.)  Even though the morning was not our usual slow paced Monday, it was great.  We got to catch up a little with some "old" friends at a playdate hosted by a super fun momma with all her wet and wild backyard toys.  Then it was off to swim lessons (more on that tomorrow).

Finally, the goslings are sleeping so we can begin our mellow Monday afternoon.

I am always surprised what recipes I find for slow cookers.  There are "a million" of them out there.  Today's recipe comes from Busy Cooks at Crockpot Chili Dogs! Did you know you'll be enjoying one of the Top 10 Summer Crockpot Recipes. Who would'a thunk you could make these in the slow cooker.  Now that I think about it, chili and hot dogs do say summer.

Crockpot Chili Dog


  • 6 hot dogs or Polish sausages, fully cooked (I use the Jenny-O Turkey Hot-Dogs)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 (14-ounce) can ready to eat chili (I use the 98% Fat Free by Dennisons)
  • 6 hot dog buns, split
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1-1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese


Place hot dogs, onions, and garlic in 4 quart slow cooker. Top with chili. Turn crockpot on to low and cook for 4-6 hours until hot dogs are hot and tender.

Spread butter on buns and toast. Assemble sandwiches by placing a hot dog in the bun, top with some of the chili, and add cheese. Serve immediately.

Prep Time: 5 minutes - Cook Time: 5 hours -Total Time: 5 hours, 5 minutes -Yield: 6 servings

Freeto boats are a regular meal around here, so we always have chili and with a four year old boy you know I always have hot dogs.  Now Sister-In-Law Goose makes a killer Chili Dog Casserole, so I'm hoping this one can at least compare.

I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day celebrations and stayed cool - we had a great day!

Momma Goose

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Freezer Meal: Father's Day Edition

After a whole year of slaving in the kitchen, it's time to give the dad in your house a break and make him breakfast in bed!   Hee-hee!  This may ring true in some houses, but it is not the truth in our gaggle.  Daddy Goose is an excellent spaghetti and Freeto boat maker, but Chef Boy R Dee, he is not.  What he lacks in cooking skills he makes up for in taste testing abilities.  One the most amazing things about Daddy Goose, is that he'll eat JUST ABOUT ANYTHING I put in front of him.  Which works great for me because I am a little picky, but I love to try new recipes.

This Sunday we will honor Daddy Goose and all other fathers out there the way Americans do it best, with food.  We are going to start off this holiday with this super, duper yummy breakfast from one of my favorite freezer cooking websites, Once a Month Mom.  I'm planning to make extra so that we can freeze them and have more fun another day.

Beer and Bacon Pancakes


  • 12 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
  • 3 cups Bisquick baking mix
  • 1.5 cups beer, alcoholic or non-alcoholic
  • 3 eggs
  • 2.5 Tbsp maple syrup

In a large bowl, combine Bisquick, beer, eggs and maple syrup.  Gently fold in bacon. Using 1/4 cup measuring cup, drop batter onto preheated skillet. Flip when center starts to bubble.  Serve warm with maple syrup.

Freezing Directions:
When pancakes are cool, transfer to gallon freezer storage bag, separating by squares of waxed paper.  TO SERVE:  Do not thaw.  Remove desired number of pancakes and reheat in microwave 30 seconds per cake.

Later in the day our family will be stopping by for a good old fashion hamburger BBQ.  It will be a day of good food and great company!

To my dad, Irish Papa, Daddy Goose and Grampy Goose - HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Momma Goose

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A thought...

I have this sign in my kitchen window.

Recently, a good friend said to me, "You should turn your happy sign around so everyone else can read it from out here."  I replied, "No, silly.  Then I can't read it."  At the time my reaction was quick and with little thought.  Plus, I hadn't even thought to turn it the other way.

After a few days, I began to think more about my friend's comment.  "So everyone else can read it."  She meant nothing rude or mean by it.  It was just her quick thought.  Yet, how many times a day do you do something for everyone else?  As moms, we are constantly thinking of others, our goslings, our hubbies, even the cat.  Last comes momma.  (Not that we would have it any other way.)

A couple of months ago, one of my favorite brother in laws, gasped at my diaper bag and jokingly told me it was "obnoxious."  We were talking about it this past weekend and I said to him, "Well, it's a good thing I live my life for me and not you."  I was totally joking with him and again, didn't really think too hard about my comment.  I said it mostly for giggles and his reaction.  It wasn't until I thought more about my friend's comment about the happy sign that I thought twice about what I said to him.

 I DO NOT think it's obnoxious, do you? :-)

We have to do what makes us happy, live our lives for us and not everyone else.  These days, it's the little things that make me happy.  Like the sign in my window that faces towards me, my "obnoxious" diaper bag, and putting my goslings and hubby's needs before my own.

What is making YOU happy these days?

Momma Goose

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healthy Living Tip #2

Healthy Living Tip #2:  Don't Go Hungry

It's okay to skip meals, right? Wrong. To lose and stay a healthy weight you have to eat, not starve yourself.  What a great concept, consume to lose!

Remember, Healthy Living Tip #1: Make Healthy Living a Team Approach?  According to the site,, "it’s not just your weight loss that is at risk when you skip meals, but the weight of your family (or your team), as well. A recent study of the health and diet habits of 2,500 pairs of teenaged twins, siblings, or half-siblings showed that those whose family skipped meals were more likely to be obese or overweight."

How many times have you heard, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."  As a kid and young adult I never thought twice about skipping breakfast, but these days I'm the one trying to get my gaggle to eat.  Luckily, both of my goslings love to eat, so its not a tough battle with them.  Daddy Goose on the other hand is not a morning eater, it is like pulling teeth to get him to eat something in the morning...unless it's chocolate donuts.  As an adult, I've been able to recognize my hunger emotion and definitely notice a difference on days that I eat breakfast versus days that I skip it.

Here are a few ways to help you not skip meals:

  1. Figure out why you skip the meal.  Journal about it, make a plan to change the habit and go back often and review your plan.
  2. Are you in a hurry and that's why you skip breakfast?  Eat a no fuss, no mess breakfast.  We love the new belVita Breakfast biscuits.  They come in a neat transportable package, are filling and yummy!
  3. Make breakfast/lunch/dinner when you have time and freeze it! (You know how I love freezer cooking)
  4. Keep easy snacks in your bag or purse.  Nuts are a great choice.
  5. Have an emergency meal plan.  Every time you go to the grocery store pick up the ingredients to your "go-to" meal, so that you always have them on hand and you can whip it up in a flash.
Do you skip meals?  Check yourself, the next time you skip a meal, see if you overeat at the next meal.

Momma Goose 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mellow Monday ~ June 11, 2012

Well, we finished up Daddy Goose's vacation with a big bang.  In the last three days, I had a date with Brother Goose watching The Lion King (complete with pizza, popcorn and lion shaped Animal Crackers), we finished up swim lessons,  had a big family BBQ with my parents and out of town Aunties and sister, went to the beach where Brother Goose rode his "hun-hun-hun," (aka: quad) and got to spend quality time with a great friend.

There are bags to unpack, laundry to do and sleep to catch up on.  We are in definite need of a Mellow Monday.  We are also in need of a slow cooked meal with no fuss and little mess.  Today's crock pot recipe is from my favorite recipe website,  The best part about the recipe, I have everything in my refrigerator and pantry, so there was no need to even go to the store.

  • 4 -5 boneless chicken breasts
  • 1 (15 1/2 ounce) can black beans
  • 1 (15 ounce) can corn
  • 1 (15 ounce) jar salsa, any kind (I'm using Rotel with green chilies)
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese


  1. Take 4-5 frozen, yes, frozen, boneless chicken breasts put into crock pot.
  2. Add 1 can of black beans, drained, 1 jar of salsa, 1 can of corn drained.
  3. Keep in crock pot on high for about 4-5 hours or until chicken is cooked.
  4. Add 1 package of cream cheese (just throw it on top!) and let sit for about 1/2 hour.
Today also marks the first day of summer vacation in this gaggle's home.  We began our day by hanging out in the backyard, casually cleaning off the patio, "washing" Brother Goose's tricycle and watching our cat play in the bushes.  I love the many smiles and laughs that come from such a simple activity as lounging in the backyard.  It was a great start to our summer and a great start to our Mellow Monday.

Enjoy your day and your Mellow Monday!

Momma Goose

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mellow Monday: Birthday Edition

This is one of those special Mellow Mondays that our goslings and I get extra excited about - Daddy Goose is home from work!  In fact, he has the whole week off.  To make life even better, we are celebrating his birthday today!  We've had a packed weekend of celebrating, so we are looking forward to being very mellow today.

I'd like to invite you to help us celebrate Daddy Goose's birthday.  Join us by making today's slow cooker dessert.  (Yes, you can make dessert in your slow cooker.)  There are so many great recipes for slow cooker desserts, this one is from one of my favorite recipe websites,  Triple Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Cake includes two of Daddy Goose's favorite ingredients, chocolate and peanut butter.  How could you go wrong with these ingredients?

  • cooking spray
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 cup chocolate milk or 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter chip
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chunk
  • 1/2 cup peanuts, chopped
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups boiling water


  1. Coat a 3 1/2 or 4- quart slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
  2. In a bowl, stir together flour,the 1/3 cup sugar, 2 T cocoa powder, and baking powder.
  3. Add chocolate milk, oil and vanilla. Stir until batter is smooth.
  4. Stir in peanut butter flavored pieces, chocolate pieces and peanuts.
  5. Spread evenly in the bottom of the prepared slow cooker.
  6. Combine the 3/4 c sugar and 2 T cocoa powder.
  7. Gradually stir in the boiling water.
  8. Pour mixture evenly over batter in slow cooker.
  9. Cover; cook on high-heat setting for 2-2 1/2 hours or until a wooden toothpick inserted 1 inch deep into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  10. Let stand in cooker 30-40 minutes to cool slightly before serving.
  11. To serve, spoon the warm cake into desert dishes. If desired, top with scoops of ice cream. Spoon the sauce over cake and ice cream.

Enjoy this yummy dessert and put a few candles in it just for fun - because as you know, life is about taking the time to celebrate!

Happy Birthday, Daddy Goose!

Momma Goose