Monday, May 28, 2012

Mellow Monday: Holiday Edition

Happy Memorial Monday!  I hope this day finds you in remembrance and with an attitude of gratitude for those who have fought and continue to serve for our country. I have a few servicemember friends and I know they would agree, there is no better way to remember and be thankful than to have a big party!

Tradition has also made this holiday the official kick-off to summer.  People all over the country are firing up their BBQs, popping the top on a cold beverage and relaxing by the pool.  I have a new idea for the day, instead of sweating by the BBQ, use that slow cooker and use the extra time with your loved ones!

Even though last week's Mellow Monday recipe was for a shredded chicken dish, when I came across this one I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post it.  Plus, who could resist a dish with BBQ sauce AND beer in the ingredient list!

The recipe came to me via (which I will post on later: I <3, but its original source is a great website called, Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body!  She has amazing recipes and a fun outlook on life!

BBQ Beer Chicken


  • 3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 6 large)
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp paprika
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 cup beer (any kind you like: dark, light, amber, whatever)
  • 4 cups (32 ounces) of barbecue sauce (and kind you like)
  • hamburger buns
  • coleslaw


Add everything, except the chicken, to the crockpot and stir to combine. Add the chicken to the crockpot, spoon the sauce on top so all the chicken has a little sauce on it.

Cook on low for 6 hours (crockpot temperatures vary, yours may take more time), stirring a couple of times throughout if desired. After 6 hours, shred the chicken and add it back to the sauce in the crockpot. Toss chicken with the sauce and let sit for 15 minutes so it can absorb some of the sauce. Serve on hamburger buns topped with coleslaw.

**My crock pot cooks a little hot, so I only need to cook the chicken about 4-4.5 hours.  Make sure you cook the meat according to your crockpot's temperature.  At around the 4 hour mark, check the chicken and see if it easily falls apart. If it does, it’s ready to be shredded.**

I wish you a very Happy Memorial Day and a big thank you to my friends in the Navy, AirForce, Marines, Army and Coast Guard.

We are hanging with Daddy Goose and family today, making the most of his day off!  What are you doing today?

Momma Goose

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~ Momma Goose