Monday, February 22, 2016

Mellow Monday - Long Time No "See"'s been a "hot" minute since I wrote anything here. I've been busy. Busy with kids, with the hubs and with life in general.

Today as I was working on the computer I suddenly felt the urge to check out my blog. Curious about it. Curious as if something had happened to it while I was away. Funny thing (insert sarcasm here) is exactly as I left it several months ... a'hem years ago. The Mellow Monday post from June 2014 sitting alone on the page due to the lack of posting. A post, that seems a lifetime ago, that talked about our menu for that week and how hot it was going to be and the water park visit we were taking that day. And that family picture of us!!!!!!! babies aren't those babies any more!!!!

These days our Mondays are not so mellow. My kids have grown sooooooo much since 2014. Tobin (Brother Goose) is in 2nd grade and Samantha (Lil' Miss Goose) is in Pre-Kindergarten. Our Mondays are one of the busiest days of our week. Of course it is the first day of the school week for Brother, back to work for Daddy Goose while Lil' Miss Goose and I attending parent support group called Gift of Blessings. We try to catch up on house work from the weekend during the afternoon. However, there ALWAYS seems to be something else we've got to do that day, whether it's sports programs or grocery shopping.

I am still menu planning and trying my best to stay organized. I recently bought a new calendar, The Mom on the Go Planner from ( and I LOVE IT! It is super cute and it has pages for every.thing. Including menu planning. Because of my new planner I'm even temped to plan and shop for the whole month! I am usually pretty good about planning for the whole month, but usually grocery shop once a week. We'll see if I ever tackle the once a month shopping trip.

Today has been such a productive day. I am feeling more ready for our week than I have in a while. Church, brunch with my little family, played outside in the beautiful weather, laundry done, kitchen sparkling, prepared for my parent support group, a new chore chart printed and filled out for the week, now pizza is ordered and to top it off...I'm writing a blog post.

A good day indeed.

Another change in my weight. About 12 years ago I lost 30 pounds with Weight Watchers and have really done a great job of keeping it off between working out and eating pretty healthy. Until now. Since September, I have gained it all back. So, I'm back to my point counting and working out. It was a painful eye opener when I stepped on that scale the first week of February, but it was a good swift kick in the pants to get me Fit Before 40! (Eeekkkk...yup that's this year for me.)

Well, in case you've missed my menu, here's what we're eating this week.

  • Monday: Crockpot Pulled Pork with mixed veggies and fruit salad
  • Tuesday: Burrito Bake ( with green beans and salad
    Everyone in my house LOOOOOOOOVES this one!) 
  • Wednesday: Mini Turkey Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and peas
  • Thursday: Trader Joes Corn Dogs with Alexa Criss-Cut Fries
  • Friday: Sloppy Joe Bake (
  • Saturday: Family Date Night
  • Sunday: Pizza
I've got all of my points calculated for our dinners will input dinner points into my Ultimate Food Value Diary the morning of so I know how many points are left over for the rest of my meals. It works well for me. 

Do you menu plan? I do because it saves me time, money and answers that daily, "What's for dinner?" question. Now that you've seen my meal plan, head on over to and see some others.

Always ~ Momma Goose


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I'd love to hear from you ~ leave me a comment!

~ Momma Goose