Monday, January 21, 2013

Mellow Monday & Menu Plan

We are enjoying the beautiful sunny day here in Central California.  This is myyyy kind of weather, high 50s during the day and cold enough (low 40s) at night for a cozy fire and fluffy blanket.

My goslings have worn me out this morning with wrestling, swinging, a long game of 'I spy with my little eye' out on the front patio while eating our morning snack as well as an hour of laundry "sorting" with Lil' Miss.

I have a little bit of sad news slow cooker recipe to share. (Boo!  Hiss! I know.)  To make it up to you, I thought I'd share my mid-morning snack recipe. (Yay!  Hooray! I hope.)

I found the link on Pinterest for the recipe and lemme tell ', you're gonna love it!

Courtesy of:

1 5 to 6 ounce container of Greek yogurt (I used plain, but will probably use vanilla or honey in the future)
2 tbsp. of peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
1/2 tbsp. of honey
1/8 t. of cinnamon


Mix everything together.  Serve with apples and/or bananas.  I thought it was a tad bit tart due to the plain Greek yogurt, so I added a cap-ful of vanilla extract.   It made all the difference, but I will definitely use the flavored yogurt next time.

Here's what else we're eating this week:

Monday: Subway - Playdate night with one of my BFFs and her mini-me
Tuesday: Garlic Lemon Chicken with green beans & red potatoes
Wednesday:  Slow Cooker Chicken & Stuffing (Yup again, we love this one!) with green salad & fruit
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Calazone with green salad
Saturday: Birthday dinner for my sister!  Yay!
Sunday: Your On Your Own - whatever we can find in the house.

This week I'm drinking Apple & Cinnamon and Strawberry & Orange infused waters.  What refreshing flavors have you found?  Plus...try your water hot!  It brings out the flavors even more and is perfect for an evening treat.

Do you meal plan?  I do because it saves me time, money, and answers the never ending "What's for dinner?" question.  After you've checked out my menu plan and then see others at

Happy Monday!

Always ~ Momma Goose

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~ Momma Goose