Friday, August 24, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Join

Five Minute Friday

On Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them.  Just five minutes.  Unscripted.  Unedited.  Real.  Check out mine below, and then see others at  Five Minute Friday.

This week's topic is: Join

Is it crazy that I can't find the words to write about join?  I am eager to see what the friends I join up with at Lisa-Jo's Five Minute Friday have come up with.

There are so many ways to express the word, join.  Some are pretty lovey-dovey (like: to join in holy matrimony, to join hearts, union, join hands, join a club) and some are well, ho-hum (like: body joints, the river and sea join at the bottom of the cliff, a seam where fabric joins, or to join the Army) .

When I first saw the topic, join, I thought of the lovey-dovey kind of definition.  Pathetically, above was all I have been able to come up with.

Or's just a view into me.  I am lovey-dovey.

When I think of the word join, I think of all the good that can come from two things uniting.  I think of my family joining together for a meal, laughter and making memories.  I think of joining hands with Daddy Goose.  I think of the world joining together to stop all that's wrong with it. five-minutes are about up...what do you think about join?

Always ~ Momma Goose


  1. Join is a very wide topic - it was hard to focus in on a particular thought. I ended up telling a story, how a friendship began, how we joined together. love the gaggle image - funny!

  2. Love that this made you think of your family laughing over a meal and holding hands with your hubby. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Blessings!

  3. "I think of my family joining together for a meal, laughter and making memories." Now THAT'S the kind of fun I like to join in with. Meals, laughter, and making memories... perfect!


I'd love to hear from you ~ leave me a comment!

~ Momma Goose