Monday, May 7, 2012

Mellow Monday ~ May 7, 2012

How did your first Mellow Monday go?  Ours was very, very mellow because we enjoyed chicken tacos a day early, so I didn't cook at all - we had LEFTOVERS!  Which worked out perfectly, because both of my goslings have been very sick with allergies, ear infections and asthma,  Cooking is the last thing I needed to be doing.  After a spending many days at NW Medical this past week - we are looking forward to the start of a new week because of new asthma/allergy meds that (fingers crossed) so far seem to be working!

With Spring in full force, I thought it would be fun to use some springtime flavors in this week's crock pot recipe.  New potatoes, artichokes and chicken are the main ingredients in this yummy Greek Chicken & Vegetable Ragout.  Have you ever heard of a ragout?  I hadn't, so I looked it up.  According to ragout is a "highly seasoned stew of meat or fish, with or without vegetables."  Doesn't that definition make it sound so super delicious?  The best part about this recipe is that it is from the Eating Well website - so not only is it probably really tasty, but you know it's good for you.

I've never tried this recipe, but I am excited to.  I also can't wait to hear your feedback.  Make sure you come back to this post and let me know how yours turned out.

Momma Goose


  1. Hi Momma Goose! I love your blog Buffy. What a blessing to be a stay-at-home mom! When you have time, check out my blog - I've been writing since about November 2011.

  2. I'm excited to try your recipe! - Grammy Goose

  3. This recipe may be tomorrow's dinner! Lovin' my slow cooker now that this weather is SUPER HOT!

  4. Hi, Tracy! Thank you for your compliments. I am really excited about the new blog. I checked out your blog...I love, love, love your post/tribute to your mom! Thank you for visiting Momma Goose & Gaggle, I hope to see you here again! I'll keep up with you, too.

    Momma Goose


I'd love to hear from you ~ leave me a comment!

~ Momma Goose