Monday, September 23, 2013

Lovin' Bloglovin'

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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I've started something new today...  I've "claimed" my blog on Bloglovin!

What is Bloglovin, you say? is a way to read all of the blogs you follow in one place.  Ever heard of Google Reader?  It's the same type of platform.  But...this "reader" is prettier, easier and a lot "funner"!

Look to the right -------> You'll see my new Bloglovin button!   Check out my blog over there and I know you'll find a few others to follow.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Friday, September 20, 2013


Getting an "early" start this morning on life. We've got a busy day ahead.

But...I did take a timeout to have a breakfast date on the back patio with sweet Lil' Miss and Daddy Goose!

I love fall mornings! Now that we are finally getting some cool weather in the mornings,  we can put on our slippers and have a breakfast picnic!

I promise that's just the color of my seriously looks awful in this pic! :(

Check out Lil' Miss' s Elmo slippers (hand-me-down from Brother) and she also had on a  Spider-Man sweatshirt because she wants to be just like Brother.

We're hoping to continue this cool weather trend, but it IS the central valley,  so I'm not holding my breath.

What's the weather like where you live??

Always ~ Momma Goose

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pasta Zero Plus ~ Review

I was so super excited when I found these in my grocery store:

As the packaging says, they are a low calorie, low carb pasta, fortified with iron, gluten free, vegan and free from eggs gluten and dairy.  They are made of:

  • water
  • konjac flour
  • chickpea flour
  • potato starch
  • calcium hydroxide
  • reduced iron
  • folic acid

I've been wanting to try them for such a long time.  Hungry Girl has been eating shirataki noodles for as long as I can remember, but they have always been really hard to find.  When they came to my grocery store, I grabbed them and changed my menu plan to include spaghetti.

They are really quick and easy to cook.  Let me just start by saying, the smell you encounter when you open the package is a little overwhelming.  Thankfully, I had been warned about it so I knew to expect it...and now you do too. To alleviate some of that smell, simply strain and rinse.  Several times.

I warmed mine in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.

Or you can par boil them for 2-3 minutes.  Drain again and it's ready to eat!  (I rinsed mine again with hot water...just to be sure.:)  You can also heat them a dry skillet for a couple minutes to dry them out.

Here's my bowl of spaghetti:

A giant bowl - I did not finish.  They filled me up quickly.

The texture is VERY different than regular spaghetti noodles, it is a little more slimy.  In retrospect, I probably could have heated them a little longer in the dry skillet and that may make them less slimy.

Overall, I'd probably give these noodles 4 stars out of 5.  A definite must try!

There are some great nutritional aspects to these noodles.  They have FAAAAAAAAAAR less calories than traditional noodles (shirataki = 15 cal per serving vs. traditional = 210 per serving), the shirataki have zero grams of fat, only 4 grams of carbs (compared to 42 grams in traditional noodles) and zero grams of sugar (compared to 2 grams in the traditional).  They do, however, have only 1 gram of protein versus the 7 grams in the traditional noodles.

We eat a lot of spaghetti around here.  It's quick, easy and Daddy Goose makes a killer pot of spaghetti.  I don't know if these will be my go-to noodles, but a good purchase.

Have you ever tried any of these type of noodles?  If so, let me know with a comment how you liked/disliked them.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday friends!

While I'm working on computer "stuff," Lil' Miss is taking a nap and Brother Goose is hangin' in his fort next to me.  Sundays are my favorite day for relaxing, football and fun!  What are you up to this fine sun shining day?

I thought it would be fun to be a little social today. :)  So, I decided to link up with Neely & Ashley for a few questions about blogs. Check it out.

1.  What is the name if your blog? Momma Goose & Gaggle

2.  What do you love most about blogging? The freedom to let go of my thoughts.

3. Why did you start blogging? I needed a creative outlet.  And a way to

4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world? Write about something you love and don't let it become a "job."

5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had? It's hard not to compare my blog with others.  My blog is about me and my family.  It is mine.  It is perfect for ME. :)

6.  Three blogs I love:  MamaLaughlin, (a super fun Texas gal who's all about her boys, fashion and fitness) OrgJunkie (Cleaning tips, organizing ideas and menu planning.  Yay!) and Absolute Mommy (a girl/blog I just met and can't seem to stay away from!  Love his SAHM!)

Always ~ Momma Goose