Friday, August 23, 2013

High Five for Friday

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TGIF friends!

Can you believe it's Friday already?  I'm sure there are plenty of you saying..."Finally, this has been THE longest week!" But, for me, it has flown by.  We survived another week of Kindergarten...and the first week of homework.  I must say, Brother Goose is a genius! (I know...all momma's say that about their kids. LOL!)  He is already ready to take his first sight word test.  He's worked so hard this week.

Here's a couple of other things we're high five'n this week:


1.  Brother Goose had his very first soccer game of the year.  He is on the same team as last year, along with a couple of other kids, so its nice to be able to see some familiar faces.  AND, he did great!

2.  I made spinach cubes.  I love green smooties, but I always have a problem with the spinach going bad before I can get to it all.  So, I found this idea on Pinterest and FINALLY made it happen this week.

3.  Lil' Miss had her very first time out.  It was so hard not to smile at her cute little pouty face.

4.  We had a great time at a family birthday party for one of Brother's buddies.

5.  Daddy Goose had his three wheeler out last night and the goslings had a blast pretending to ride it.  This boy cracks me up - "I'm peelin' out, Momma!" he says.

What are you high five'n today?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Toddler Tuesday

Do you make juice from concentrate?  Or do you buy it pre-made?

I used to be a pre-made momma until a few weeks ago.  Then I realized something.  I know it makes life a little easier to just have the jug of juice ready when you are...but hear me out.  I have two REALLY good reasons why you should take the extra time and make your toddler's juice from concentrate.

Reason #1:

It costs less money.  A 64 ounce bottle of pre-made, Langers Apple Juice costs $1.99 at the store I go to, which is $0.03 per ounce.  The frozen concentrate of the same brand of juice when made per directions, makes 42 ounces, costs $1.00, which is $0.02 per ounce.

Not a big savings, I know.  But, when you're on one income, every penny counts.

Reason #2:

I can make the juice as strong or as weak as I want.  Just because the instructions read, "mix with three containers of cold water," does not mean I have to agree.  I usually fill the concentrate container 3.5 to 4 times, depending on the type of juice I'm making.  I promise you, filing the container 3.5 times does not make a big taste difference - in fact, I'd bet your family won't even notice. :)

We really try to watch the sugar content that comes from the juice our goslings drink. We do not allow our goslings to drink soda (Brother Goose doesn't like them anyway and Lil' Miss has never had the opportunity.) and we limit the CapriSun type drinks.  By adding more water, I am able to better control how much empty calories and sugar they are drinking.

Good news:  Reason #2 gives me even more of a savings.  When diluting the apple juice by only mixing in an extra 1/2 container of water it makes the cost go down to $0.01 per ounce! Woo-hoo!!

So, there you have it...costs less AND dilutes the sugar!  Two great reasons to take that extra step and make your juice from concentrate.

Always ~ Momma Goose

Friday, August 16, 2013

High 5 for Friday!

Woo-hoo, we've made it through another week!  This was a BIG week in our nest with us surviving our first real road trip, Brother Goose starting kindergarten, and soccer practice in full swing.  Our weekend is shaping up to be full with soccer, birthday parties and BBQs.  (Hopefully, we'll be able to squeeze in a little preseason football, too! :)

Here are some of the high five moments from our week:

High five for...unpacking this crazy mess in one day. The day AFTER we got home!

High five beautiful sunflower!  We are getting really excited for seeds!!

High five for...the official "back to school" photo!

High five for...thoughtful and unexpected gifts.  LOVE my new coffee mug from my aunt.

High five for..."clownin'" around with my Lil' Miss!  Love these times with her.

What are you high five'n for this week?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We made it out alive...

I am so excited to report that all four of us happily survived a 16 hour road trip!

Don't you just love his fake smile! Silly boy!
We just got back last night from a 6 day trip to the state of Washington for a family reunion.  Not just any family reunion, but Lil' Miss's first reunion and our very first long road trip as a family!

I am also excited to report that my goslings did GREAT in the car.  Of course, we had a few, "Are we there yet?" and "How much longer?"  But that is to be expected.

You may have seen my post on Facebook last week about our hour chain...which helped Brother Goose to answer his own "How much longer?" questions.

I'm also very sure that the fact that we traveled with my parents on the way up helped out a lot, too.  In fact, I'm pretty sure Lil' Miss was only in our car for about two hours on the way to Washington.  Nana & Papa are waaaaay more fun than us. :)

I have so many things to share with you about our trip, but those will come later.  Today we've got a last minute doctor's appointment for Brother Goose and first day of school prepping to do!

I hope you'all had a great week...and I'll see ya soon!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I have a problem

Hello, my name is Momma Goose and I am an addict.  I am totally and helplessly addicted to:

That's right, Chunky Artichoke & Jalapeno dip.  Have you tried it?  It is absolutely THE BEST!  It's from Costco and they usually always have it.  I inhaled an entire 32 ounce container of this yummy-ness in just over a week!  BY MYSELF!  Yup, me, all by my lonesome ate that whole container.

I got crazy.  Every single meal had artichoke/jalapeno dip.  I would start the day with egg, toast and artichoke/jalapeno dip:

In the middle of the day, it was an artichoke/jalapeno dip salami sandwich:

If I was hungry for a snack, I picked up a chip or pretzel or carrot or celery and dip it. (My finger, really anything will do. :)

For dinner it was BBQ'd chicken with corn on the cobb, pasta salad all dipped in...yup you guessed it...artichoke/jalapeno dip:

One day, I even made up a pizza around this scrumptious dip:

To say that I am an addict is truly an accurate statement.  Once the jar was gone, I was sad.  Really sad. It was the end of a yummy week.  I immediately went put it on my shopping list for the next weekly trip.  When I don't have it around the house, I'm always thinking..."OOOO, this would be good with artichoke/jalapeno dip!"  Or..."I need to get some of that yummy stuff."

But...I haven't bought it again.  It's been almost a month that I've been off the artichoke/jalapeno dip. Why you ask?  I don't know.  I'm fighting it people.  I'm really fighting it

I'm so afraid of what I might put it on next!

Is there a food you do this with?  I'd love to hear so I don't feel so alone! LOL!

Always ~ Momma Goose

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A beautiful lesson...

For the past few weeks I have been secretly second guessing and upset with my gardener.  Why you ask?  Well..for more than a month he has left this in our yard...

I must admit...I was more than a little upset.  I was getting really irritated with him.  He came to our house at least 3 times and didn't pick this GIANT weed.  How could he miss it?  He always does a good job on our lawn.  Why was he not picking this horrible thing?  I even took a picture to send to a friend, showing her what an awful weed it was.

Then one morning, I happened to catch my gardener here.  I tried really hard not to stomp out.  In my most well behaved attitude I asked, "What is the "scoop" with this!?!" as I waved my hand around the Redwood-like weed.  "It's a sunflower, Mrs. Goosev.  It will grow very tall and have a very beautiful flower at the top.  You will love it."



A sunflower????


Sunflowers are one of my most favoritest flowers.  How did I get so lucky?  We didn't plant sunflowers in our yard.  Did someone plant one there for me, knowing how much I'd enjoy looking at it?  (It is litterally right outside our dining room window. Woo-hoo!)  Did we spit out one to many sunflower seeds this summer in our front yard?

Or...was it a plan from above to teach me a little bit of trust and patience!!???  Or kindness??!!!  Or of the beauty of his creations???

Yup...another great lesson from God...that's what I'm going with.  I should have trusted my gardener's knowledge and well-meaning efforts.  I should have been more patient with him.  More patient with nature.

Our sunflower has been so fun to watch.  Before the bloom opened, it followed the sun from east to west, the stalk grew to be about 2" thick and now it's taller than Brother!

Please don't make no-nevermind to the awesome blue socks in this picture.
It was get yourself dressed day at our nest. ;)
Our flower has become the talk at our nest.  Daddy, Brother, Lil' Miss and I all admire its strength (remember that 2" stalk), it's beauty (the gold and yellow are perfect), the randomness of the plant, and just the amazing ability of nature to thrive.

We have been blessed so many times over in this house we call a home.  I don't know why I even dared to second guess one of those blessings...our gardener!

In what ways is God trying to teach you something?  Or have you been taught a fun lesson lately?

Always ~ Momma Goose

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mellow Monday & Menu Plan

Happy Mellow Monday...late night edition!

It has been a very. busy. Monday.  Started at 7:00 a.m. with a good workout, continued with breakfast and kid "stuff" here at the house, then Lil' Miss and I headed into town for some errands.  Nails/toes done, oil changed, transmission flushed, car washed, Target shopped and Macy's shopped.  After which we rushed home for Brother's first soccer practice of 2013.  Home, dinner, showers, and bedtime for the goslings.  Are you exhausted?? I am!

Thankfully, dinner was ready when we got home.  Slow cooker to the rescue AGAIN!  I seriously love this kitchen appliance for days like today. you want to hear the awesome-est part of this dinner...I totally made up the recipe!  Yup, that's right!  I'm a full-fledged recipe creator! :)

Both Daddy Goose and the goslings loved my dish and I absolutely know that you'all will too.

Slow Cooker Tri-Tip


  • 2-3 pounds tri-tip roast (untrimmed)
  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 1/2 white onion chopped
  • Lawry's seasoning salt & Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb seasoning
  • 2 TBSP red wine vinegar
  • 2 cups (+/-) water (Amount depends on the size of your slow cooker.  Cover tri-tip)
  • Salt & pepper


Generously spray slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray.  Pour olive oil into slow cooker.  Season, to taste, bottom of slow cooker with Lawry's and Mrs. Dash.  Place tri-tip and onions into slow cooker.  Again, season, to taste, the top of the beef with Lawry's and Mrs. Dash.  As with any meat, season with salt and pepper.  Add red wine vinegar and enough water to cover the tri-tip.  Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

I used my tri-tip to make sandwiches.  You'll see below how else I plan to use it this week.  Sooo delicious!  I cannot wait to hear whether you like it or not!

Here's what else we're eating this week:

Monday:  Slow Cooker Tri-tip sandwiches with corn and potato chips
Tuesday:  Slow Cooker Tri-tip burritos
Wednesday:  Spaghetti with green salad
Thursday:  Frozen burritos and/or leftovers
Friday:  Calazone and cesear salad
Saturday:  Mac & Cheese with hot dogs and applesauce (kids pick :)  (I'll make the noodles and then pull some out for Lil' Miss due to her milk allergy)
Sunday:  Chicken & stuffing

Do you meal plan?  I do because it saves me time, money, and answers the never ending "What's for dinner?" question.  After you've checked out my menu plan and then see others at

What are you eating this week?

Always ~ Momma Goose